Who else is waiting for that first egg?

My first egg from my first chicken!!! 22.1 days old. I think I have myself an olive egger?

I have one red sex and 5 black or supposed to be . Some have red feathers on the upper torso but not as many as the red does and she is bigger than the others . Mine were 17 weeks approx yesterday but their combs and waddles are still orange. so probably a month before i even begin to see my first egg figured in about 2-3 weeks would get the nests filled with shavings . have had the ones on the loest level have pulled up the perch to keep them from sleeping there then on top of that row have another 3 but there post are down no one is trying to sleep in those. even though they are higher that the roost m ine get on the roost but i have a box with a slanted lid made of wood and covered with lanolieum and have a handle i can lift the door up to get to food on the inside in a rubber-made container. well to make long story short the girls or some of them are roosting on the lid. it is lower than the roost. go figure it is not only slanted but also with the Lanoilieum on the door it is slick as well. How they stay up there i don't know. Question. Have plastic water containers sitting on brick or something like brick both inside and out but keep finding poo in them not many shavings . suggestions. I believe i have solved the issue with the feeder but not the waterier. they are more like cinder block but the don't have the holes in them .the small 3gal plastic one out side is setting on brick
My girls are still squatting. They are cranky and uneasy. Checking out the boxes alot and sitting in them some today then getting back up. One is moving box to box.
I am! I thought my chickens were 4.5 months old, turns out (when you count up the weeks like a normal person haha) they are actually 21 weeks old.

I put some fake easter eggs in the their nest boxes because, honestly, it makes me laugh that they are in there. But I did notice that my one hen has pushed them together and has made herself a little well in the straw - as though she has been sitting there.

Every evening I give them a pep talk about eggs. And every morning I threaten to do away with their fluffy butts if they don't lay me some eggs.
I have a 19 week old Barred Plymouth Rock that has started squatting for me, no egg song yet, but it's coming any day now, she is super talkative. I also have 1 Australorp, 3 Easter Eggers, and Rhode Island Red no squats from them yet, but it's gonna happen soon they are all 19 weeks, got them from the feed store
I've heard other hen owners talking about there hens singing the egg laying song. I thought they were just joking. But about 3 or 4 days before I got my first egg ( which was yesterday) I noticed they were sounding different. They kept cluking a low sounding little tune to themselves. I guess that is the egg laying song that everyone was talking about.

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