Who else is waiting for that first egg?

After getting my GC girls home almost 4 weeks ago after being told they were already laying and noticing within a few hours the combs were at best pale pink. So I'm sure I was lied to since I haven't had an egg yet. Today I noticed this hen and two others are starting to get some red in the comb and faces. does this mean we are close? If so how close?

So I figured out that the EE is the one that started laying. I think she is about 25 weeks old. My Cream Legbar is still not laying. IF the woman I got her from gave me the correct hatch date, she is about 37 weeks old (she's the one in the front in my Avatar). Her comb and wattles have been nice and red for awhile. A couple of months ago she was squatting for me pretty regularly, no eggs. And she stopped squatting. What gives? Does anyone have any ideas? Am I just being too anxious or did a get a random weird hen who is never going to lay?
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IT HAPPENED TODAY!!!!! We are soooo excited over here. My 18 week old black sexlink laid her 1st egg. I had a feeling today was going to the be day when I heard something inside the coop and I looked and she was fixing up the nest. She jumped out and wandered around the yard for a little while then all of a sudden she was running so fast, picture a human running to the toilet ;) and into her house, she checked out the nest boxes a little more then came out again and finally she went in after a little while sat down and sat and sat and sat for about 1 hour, making all kinds of noises and when she got up this is what we had
She's not acting strange is she? Still gets in the roost and is pooping normal? So I figured out that the EE is the one that started laying. I think she is about 25 weeks old. My Cream Legbar is still not laying. IF the woman I got her from gave me the correct hatch date, she is about 37 weeks old (she's the one in the front in my Avatar). Her comb and wattles have been nice and red for awhile. A couple of months ago she was squatting for me pretty regularly, no eggs. And she stopped squatting. What gives? Does anyone have any ideas? Am I just being too anxious or did a get a random weird hen who is never going to lay?
She's eating and acting fine. Pooping fine. I'm feeling a little paranoid, though, because my red sex link, age unknown, just died last night. She had been a little off for a while and laying soft shelled and shells eggs. The vet opened her up and she found some poorly developed eggs with no shells stuck to the wall lining her reproductive track. Thinks it may have been some sort of egg peritonitis. So now I'm worried about every little thing. I'm pretty new to chickens, and so I dust don't know if there is a back end to when they start laying. Do some just not ever lay?
I don't think I'd worry unless she starts acting strangely. I'm new to chickens so I don't have much experience with late layer... she may be right on schedule. My farmer friend told me I wouldn't see eggs until November and all the research I did says that's not true. Research your breed and and common illnesses to look out for symptoms. Also know your egg bound symptoms.
I also have a Cream Legbar, around 6 months old, she does lay a beautiful powder blue egg but she is very irregular. I'm not sure what the average annual lay is meant to be but she is not reliable at all. She is also highly susceptible to stress and will go off lay at the slightest thing. That said, she's a super friendly and quiet bird with a voracious appetite..stick with your Legbar, she will produce eggs for you in her own time and boy, they're beauts when they arrive! I've been sold many a "legbar" which have turned out to be anything but..I'm finally sated that I have one and am thrilled on the odd occasion that I get those gorgeous blue eggs. Good luck...your egg basket will soon be overflowing :)

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