Who else is waiting for that first egg?

Can you post pictures of the girls

These are my hamburgs and barnevelder crosses. The other girls are Cochins so I don't expect them to lay for a while. I don't think heat would be an issue for them as they are in the shade when it hot but i do live in Southern California.

They are beautiful.... Has any of them started squatting and or checking out the nesting boxes
The barnevelder started squatting last week of July. The hamburgs, well one of them, has also become less flighty. They check out nest boxes some days, I put an X of hay over the golf balls so I know if they go in there.
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Two of my eight hens have begun laying, at 20 and 21 weeks. A few of the others are in and out of the boxes and submitting. Most have bright red combs and wattles. They are all about the same age, within 2 weeks. An exciting time!

It HAPPENED today!! Nothing this morning before work, and I just let the girls out to range and this beautiful (small) egg was in the nesting box, right next to one of the golf balls!!! 22 week Buff Orps; Meringue was my first to lay. Now I'm waiting on Frittata and Omelette!
Thank you.
I figured it was the Red Star 20 weeks old. About 3 hours after I found that one my Black Star gave up her first egg, also 20 weeks. Just waiting on the Barred Rock and RIR to get on board, both 19 weeks

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