Who else is waiting for that first egg?

You'll notice your pullets hunkering down if you pass your hand over them or start to pet them. It's a signal of submission to a rooster. It shows they are maturing & getting ready to lay. You'll know it when u see it.
Oh my gosh so many first eggs since I've been here!!!!! 7 days now of consistent laying from Rose! I'm a hoarder I don't want to crack any of them!!!
Well my non laying br just punked me! I was outside with them trying to install some lights in the coop and she went into one of the nesting boxes I put some store bought eggs in to show the soon to be layer where it's done so I waited as not to disturb her. She came out after some time clucking her head off. I ran to see so excited I got to be present for it and she just dug in the nesting material and moved the egg there.... I told her she was a faker and she clucked her head off again! Goofy birds! Maybe sometime today!
Our 2 Black Jersey Giants and 1 Black Australorp are now 22 weeks old and still no eggs from them. The other 5 are laying consistently. Combs & waddles are red and one (I think, they all look the same) is doing the egg song.
MIne are 21 weeks and still nothing

And they are supposed to be a breed that starts laying early.

Does the heat make a difference? It's been hot and humid here.
Hi neighbor. I think it does. I'm near Riverside. Right? HOT sticky weather last week and again today? 2 of mine, BO's started at 22.5 wks last Fri. Only 5 eggs so far from 2 hens. They quit in the heat. My Orpingtons are the first to show discomfort. I knew they weren't a heat tolerant breed... What breed are yours?

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