Who else is waiting for that first egg?

4 hens. 22 weeks no eggs. Waiting patiently, kinda. Thats why I'm on this forum. Ha!
I'm not sure who laid the first egg yesterday, but one of the hens went into the nesting box and was nosing around...missing something, maybe? Funny thing is that she seems to have laid off on bossing the little hen around today....maybe chickens get PMS?
4 hens. 22 weeks no eggs. Waiting patiently, kinda.  Thats why I'm on this forum. Ha! :/

Haha... Mine are about 3 weeks younger and it is hard to wait! One of the girls squatted with her tail kind of tucked so will see. The SLW made a "nest" of sawdust in the yard a few days ago and the others joined her and snuggled. Not dust bathing. She sat there while the other girls left and foraged in the yard.
This is my first time ever to own chickens. I have 3 orpington's, 5 golden laced wyandottes, 3 silver laced wyandottes, and 3 barred rock. They will be 20 weeks this coming weekend August 29. One of the Orpington is laying. Got 7 eggs now but they're gone because we ate them this morning. I thought orpington's were late layers but my girl is laying. How do I know it's her....got a wet egg from underneath her.
Is it possible feeding sweet corn to new layers will cause a soft shelled egg? It seems like every time we feed the girls sweet corn I get at least one softy. I cut them off from all "treats" about a month ago because I got 3 or 4 of them. Then yesterday they had an ear and like magic I got another. That's the first one since I cut off the treats
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