Who else is waiting for that first egg?

Got our third egg in three days! The two big hens were cackling to beat the band this morning...wouldn't shut up....when I checked the box at 11 a.m., there was a nice light brown egg waiting for me. So two light brown eggs and one darker brown egg over the last three days...I guess the two big girls are alternating....still don't know which one did what. They aren't talking....
Got our third egg in three days! The two big hens were cackling to beat the band this morning...wouldn't shut up....when I checked the box at 11 a.m., there was a nice light brown egg waiting for me. So two light brown eggs and one darker brown egg over the last three days...I guess the two big girls are alternating....still don't know which one did what. They aren't talking....
Put them in separate interrogation rooms. Threaten them with the slammer of they don't start talking!
I tried interrogating them, but they just kept repeating "I reserve the right not to answer on the grounds that it might incinerate me..." I have a barbecue within eyesight.
Question. Blood in an egg? My layers are new is that normal? We had given some eggs to someone my dad works with... that I personally candled and she said she candled then and one had blood in it... I didn't actually see it so maybe she is crazy. I read online that it means the eggs is extra fresh and is safe to eat. Is that true?
Oh man, 6 months is a long time. Congrats. I have 2 black australorps and waiting for any of my hens to lay... but they are 18 weeks old and although one is redder in the face than the other, they both don't have full blown comb and wattles. I guess I have to be very patient! 

We have 2 sets of australorps the first set were around 22-23 weeks before they started laying. Our 2nd set are around 19 weeks and I expect the same time frame maybe a little sooner as they are all red in the face and have started checking out the nesting boxes because of the other chickens
I'm dying waiting.... 1 EE who should be ANY day now, but yet has shown me no pre-egg laying signs (no squatting or egg song), 1 barred rock who should be within the next couple weeks, and two gold laced wyandottes that are still a couple weeks out.

Will getting eggs always be this exciting??
Still is for me!.What colours will there be today? Silly old woman
My RIR, General Tso gave me our first egg today! Woo hoo!! The day before yesterday she sang the egg song so loud and hard that she was hoarse yesterday and today. Today she quietly went into her coop to her box (where I had put a golf ball), sat for twenty minutes, and came out quietly. I ran to check, and sure enough - a beautiful, warm, light brown egg!
My sebright layed her second egg today. 2 eggs in 3 days.....I'll take it. This one was a little bigger. Surprisingly it's not much smaller than the brown eggs my dark brahma has been laying.

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