Who else is waiting for that first egg?

So weird....three days straight, got an egg a day between the hens....then, this morning, found a shell-less egg under the perch in the coop....not sure if the little hen is finally laying, or the two bigger birds just had a bad night....never heard of laying during the night...
We are getting 3-4 eggs a day now probably from our Buff O's as I haven't caught any other breed of hen in the nesting box. Nary an egg from our 23/24 week old Welsummer girls and they are definitely being illusive. All of them have been singing the egg song for 3 weeks now and have red faces but they are not allowing the roosters any where near them.

I thought I read that Welsummers start to lay about the same age as Buffs but then I read another post that said they took longer.

I want a pretty speckled egg!
Congratulations to those who have eggs. I am waiting, butt combs are changing!!! So hopefully not long now. 9RIR 4.5 months, 3 Barred rock 5 months, and three buff/ee crosses about five months, and a a younger barred rock???, and a RIR roo

Yay! Got two eggs today!! My golden sebright laid her first. The top row is my Phoenix (laying every other day) and the bottom is the sebright, 21 1/2 weeks. A little more pinkish but both are cream colored.
So stoked!

I think I might have a late bloomer. I swear we had enough soft eggs for each girl to have laid at least one each; but i noticed today that Babycakes' comb is still pale and dryish looking. She's the same age as the other three, right around 5 months exactly. We know the other three are laying, since we have managed to watch them lay. The other three have full, plump combs. All four are EE. Is poor Babycakes destined for the roasting pan?
I think I might have a late bloomer. I swear we had enough soft eggs for each girl to have laid at least one each; but i noticed today that Babycakes' comb is still pale and dryish looking. She's the same age as the other three, right around 5 months exactly. We know the other three are laying, since we have managed to watch them lay. The other three have full, plump combs. All four are EE. Is poor Babycakes destined for the roasting pan?

My EE (or americanas as that's what they were sold to us as) have had some issues too. One couldn't pass her first egg and we had to jump in the help her long... it was textured. Anothers first egg was gigantic then she laid normally for about a week and a half now she keeps laying softys. I was wondering is I just got some goofy girls.
Question. Blood in an egg? My layers are new is that normal? We had given some eggs to someone my dad works with... that I personally candled and she said she candled then and one had blood in it... I didn't actually see it so maybe she is crazy. I read online that it means the eggs is extra fresh and is safe to eat. Is that true?
It has nothing to do with freshness it's when the follicle leaves the ovary a little blood vessel pops and sends it with the yolk. It's perfectly safe to eat and once it's whisked together you don't even see it. My super picky sister even eats them.
My EE (or americanas as that's what they were sold to us as) have had some issues too. One couldn't pass her first egg and we had to jump in the help her long... it was textured. Anothers first egg was gigantic then she laid normally for about a week and a half now she keeps laying softys. I was wondering is I just got some goofy girls.
It can take several weeks or even more for a newly laying pullet to start laying consistently.
It can take several weeks or even more for a newly laying pullet to start laying consistently. 

I know. I have serious ocd. I spend entirely too much time with my flock. If I'm not working or sleeping I'm observing my flock. Doing poo checks checking the water consumption of each bird. I have a journal and log eggs into my calendar. I have a problem!

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