Who else is waiting for that first egg?

I got 13 new layers(20-22 wks old) for the last 3 wks I'd been getting one or two broken shell-less eggs under their roost. There were a couple of instance that I came in to the coop @dusk to make sure they are tucked in and I had witness egg dropping from their roost.

Mine act really weird before they lay a soft shell. Real slow and sit on the ground a lot. Then after its out right back to normal. I think I linked fresh sweet corn to ours laying soft shells. The day after they eat it I always get soft shells for 2 or 3 days after. And if I remove it from their diet I have no issues. So strange.
One of the girls left the smallest egg this morning. So cute tho.

My biggest RIR laid this beauty this morning!!!! Actually laid two at the same time, first one was soft, but the second was small, but PERFECT! Boy, did she carry on....
No eggs today I know she's just starting but get cranking ladies! Lol we bout a dozen eggs yesterday and I wanted it to be our last time but after pancakes for brunch cornbread, and corn meal breaded zucchini for dinner we've used all but two of the bought eggs we're also having brats from a show pig that was grown right here on our property. Num num
So it looks like my regular layer (my GC Lucy) decided to take a small vacation - she laid for about 12 days straight when she started about 2 weeks ago and then decided she wasn't going to - I check her and all of my birds daily so I know she isn't eggbound. Then my Columbian PR started laying last weekend - laid for about 4 or 5 days and also decided to take a break - now all I have is my RIR, my newest layer Merida - here's hoping she will keep going at least for a bit. As for my other GC Penny and my 2 Buff Brahmas.... only Penny looks (and feels) like she'll be ready soon, the other two are no where near ready and they are all about 28/29 weeks old so more than likely won't lay until spring..
I fetched my 3rd egg this morning. This one was different color slightly. Same as the first egg 4 days ago or so . Yesterday's was slightly darker tan. I'm thinking 1 Barred Rock (2@ lighter color) and one of the Cinnamon Queens with the darker tan-ish.. Got my fingers crossed for more today since there's been 5 or 6 now that sit around a lot and have been moping around a bit for several days.. And don't run after bugs/grass clippings/scratch quite as quick as they used to. One of the Black Australorps is getting moody too, she's staying off by herself quite a bit. I've seen one or 2 of the Cinnamon Queens going up into the coop about 8-10am and scratching around...but no egg song from them...or the 2 or 3 Barred Rocks I've seen venturing up into the coop off and on during the day. "Someone" is scratching a nest plumb down to painted wood and making a nest...maybe a several of them getting to have the "want-to's"..
@Mutt Farm , I'm already thinking of adding to my flock. Only one of ours is very sociable, the other three either run or barely deign to acknowledge our presence. Fun to watch, but... I'm thinking about some black lace or cold hardy hens that lay dependably through winter. I would love some puff ball style hens, but Hubby said no

Im thinking it may be a genetic defect. Our came from a hatchery I'm assuming. We got them at the hardware store. I don't know so much that I like the idea of hatcheries because I know nothing about the parents or grandparents. How they were treated or anything. Anyway I'm hoping things eventually smooth out. It has to be stressful for them to lay soft or textured eggs. Our 3 girls are very friendly... matter a fact I think one of them truly believes I am a rooster and she's my lady. She follows me around and squats like a crazy girl. Especially if she needs to lay an egg
I owe my EE's a sincere apology! One of them laid a BLUE EGG! Finally! I'm still convinced the beardless one is laying the small pink eggs, but now I have hope that the 3rd EE might lay blue as well.. Here's my haul for the last 5 days. 4 or 5 hens laying now. BO's and EE's. 25 weeks. Next batch of 4 are 19 weeks now, SLW, Delaware, Cuckoo Marans and Australorp then 5 more are 15 weeks. GLW, Splash Marans Lav Orpv and white marans. I can't wait to start sharing beautiful eggs with friends! We have an egg shortage here in CA due to new laws. Stores are limiting purchases and running out. Eggs are $5. for 18!


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