Who else is waiting for that first egg?

Ther is nothing like fresh eggs and they are so much better for you. Welcome to the flock I have 5 black sex links and 1 red sexlinks 23 weeks old they are going in 3 of the 6 nessting boxes we have but no eggs yet. The last time i had chickens our kids were small they don't even remember them . mine should be laying soon i hope i just don't remeber it taking this long.but what will be will be.
from the books i have read they say the straw can absorb or remain wet longer than the pine and they recommended the pine but i guess it is your preference . I had straw with our first chickens and it seemed to get messier more and stay dirty more .so the eggs were not as clean. I have pine with these chickens and i like it much better.
Ok, this may be a really stupid question, but... Can they get too fat? One of my buff o's is so much bigger around than any of the other ones.

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