Who else is waiting for that first egg?

I got my first egg yesterday and the second one today . Two little brown eggs
I think they are from my Redd ( prod red) as she was the first to get really red waddles and comb . She and the other 6 are 24 weeks old and I was beginning to loose hope that I would have any eggs at all.
Mine are 20 weeks old. 1 leghorn and 1 red sex link... The anticipation is killing me. My family thinks I am crazy. I want that first egg darnit :D
So everyone hoping you can help me. I think I let the girls out too soon this morning we haven't gotten a single egg in the nest box today yesterday we got 4. Well today it worked out because we followed one of the girls to a nest hidden in the shed behind a pile of wood. Well in the nest were 8 eggs but we have no idea who layed them or when they were layed. Are they safe to eat? This puts our egg number to 18 but I don't want to waste the 8 or have to give them to the chickens. I would appreciate it if anyone has any ideas. I candled them as it has been quite hot here into the 90s a day or two ago but saw no development. None of our chickens are broody. Please help any ideas would be great.
So everyone hoping you can help me. I think I let the girls out too soon this morning we haven't gotten a single egg in the nest box today yesterday we got 4. Well today it worked out because we followed one of the girls to a nest hidden in the shed behind a pile of wood. Well in the nest were 8 eggs but we have no idea who layed them or when they were layed. Are they safe to eat? This puts our egg number to 18 but I don't want to waste the 8 or have to give them to the chickens. I would appreciate it if anyone has any ideas. I candled them as it has been quite hot here into the 90s a day or two ago but saw no development. None of our chickens are broody. Please help any ideas would be great.
I wouldn't eat them. You have no idea when they were laid, and in that heat, they are probably bad. Why risk it? You'll be up to your eyeballs in eggs in few more weeks anyways.

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