Who else is waiting for that first egg?

We've got 10 happy girls and are getting 8 or 9 eggs a day. Only less on the days when we aren't here to collect as they lay.....a goanna is getting those that we aren't quick at collecting. Can't do much about them though.....the girls give me an alert and I do the big mean scary thing and chase him away.....
We are now just at 20 weeks old for our NH Reds and Barred Rocks. Their combs are starting to get much redder. But sadly, no eggs yet. Nesting boxes have a mix of straw and pine shavings. We are checking the boxes twice a day. Like the old song says "Anticipation.... anticipa-a-tion its making me wait, its keeping me wa-a-aiting!".

On the other hand... one of our two Buff Roo's crowed this morning. Not sure if this is a good thing or not.
I just found out my 2nd egg layer is my Buff Orpington, Buffy! We saw her going back into the coop and she is still in there!

So far, our first layer RIR Ruby started at 18 weeks and I can now say that Buffy laid her first egg, ironically on Labor Day, at about 20 weeks.
Thank you Chickmomma03! I wonder how many "Buffys" are out there! Original name is Fluffy McBufferton, but that was cumbersome to say! I like Orpi, that is really cute!! When she was a little fuzzball she was the nicest one but now I often call her Dinosaur or Monster because she is the most aggressive when she eats out of our hand! She doesn't like to be picked up or pet anymore. :)
Quote: Most of mine don't want to be picked up anymore either. When they were babies they at least "tolerated" it, some seemed to really enjoy it. Once they moved outside though I only have 3 of the 7 from the big chick batch that still enjoy perching on me and snuggling. The rest tend to be curious, but cautious. They were all hand raised too, so I figure it's just how they are now that they're outside. They will gladly take treats from my hands though if offered. My younger chicks, now they have never cared much for being handled, but I tried to still handle them as much as the others so they will at least tolerate me being in the area if nothing else (they're EE, and they have always been on the skittish side).

When I was picking out names I was trying to "match up" names to each type. Not sure why, but I really wanted them to have paired off names.
Well, today we got our first LARGE egg! Yesterday, Pojo, who usually laid an egg a day, took a day off. Eggs to that point were medium size, if that. Today she laid a BIG egg, easily large! Good girl!
Thank you Chickmomma03! I wonder how many "Buffys" are out there! Original name is Fluffy McBufferton, but that was cumbersome to say! I like Orpi, that is really cute!! When she was a little fuzzball she was the nicest one but now I often call her Dinosaur or Monster because she is the most aggressive when she eats out of our hand! She doesn't like to be picked up or pet anymore. :) 

I have a brahma like that lol, her name is Morticia. ;)

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