Who else is waiting for that first egg?

Ok,I'm putting my foot down. I'm out of eggs. My girls are 17 1/2 weeks old. I REFUSE to buy another dozen of tasteless, expensive, horrible store bought eggs.

I have several with big,red combs. 2 for sure are squatting when Johnny Mack mounts them. It could be tomorrow or 2 months from now. I'm waiting for MY chickens to feed me before I eat eggs again!
you're braver than I. I caved and bought eggs. I do a lot of baking with my son so I couldn't wait on them to lay. My Ghost girl went 5 days between lay (the only one laying yet) and I didn't buy any, the day I did the little brat laid lol
my Buff Orpington started laying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do any of you free range? I'm afraid my girls will go under my she'd or in the woods somewhere I wouldn't think to look. I've been keeping them in the coop longer every day recently, hoping that would encourage them. It does appear that someone has been checking out the nesting boxes because they've kicked some shavings out.
I free range mine all day. I have 6 hens and a too. They wander over my yard and into the nearby wooded hill and all return to the coop by 7 each night.

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