Who else is waiting for that first egg?

Just went to the store to grocery shop. I gave in and bought my girls a head of cabbage. I told them no more cabbage until I see at least one egg.
What can I say, I'm a softie and they love cabbage. They turn 19 weeks tomorrow.
Quote: Most of mine aren't laying yet and they're 5mos 1 week and then 4mos. Only 2 of my 5mos are and 1 laid a soft, still have 3 in the older batch who need to get to work. I talk to them every morning about it lol. On the bright side I have collected over a dozen eggs in the past couple weeks.
Quote: I know what you mean, waiting is hard. It will happen soon enough, and before you know it you'll have more eggs than you know what to do with.
I know it's so hard to wait. I got my first eggs at exactly 22 weeks from my Easter Eggers, was totally thrilled!, but my 2 Wyandottes are total slackers. 26 weeks and nada. I was so thrilled but now it seems like the waiting game has started over again!
Quote: It's even worse when they're doing the egg song multiple times a day with no results, such a tease! I don't rush out to check, I just wait until my times I go out to check food, water, or when I have to make sure the littles are getting enough food since a few of the bigs are still a bit buttheads toward them lol (I have 2 separate feeders/waterers, but the bigs don't care, they want both)
Waiting for an egg but....
My Sadie Hawk is mounting my RIR. My husband said she(he) got real nasty (pecking her head) and even crowed this afternoon. My husband is a city slicker (NY) so.... Could she be a he? Trans-tender chicken?

Waiting for an egg but....
My Sadie Hawk is mounting my RIR. My husband said she(he) got real nasty (pecking her head) and even crowed this afternoon. My husband is a city slicker (NY) so.... Could she be a he? Trans-tender chicken?

Sadie is a cockerel. Brahmas can be very, very slow to mature. Frequently, the cockerels don't look like cockerels until well after 16 weeks old.
I feel a bit like someone who has just learned she is pregnant posting to an infertility forum. BUT. 1 day short of 21 weeks, my Dominque gave me a tiny but perfect pale brown egg this afternoon. No egg song but she's been squatting for the better part of a month. It only weighed 33 grams (less than 1.2 oz.) but it was delicious! She carefully deposited it next to one of the wooden eggs I had placed in the nesting boxes. I'm including a picture of her today to give others an idea of what a Dom who's ready to lay might look like. Yay!


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