Who else is waiting for that first egg?

I don't know about letting them out because while I open the coop by five in the morning they only free range in the evenings when I am home.

I go out to the coop at 5:10am I have no electricity in the coop so I put a solar shed light in it. I turn the light on and open the door to the run. I go back about an hour later and usually find 3 eggs in the best box. I turn the light off and let the girls free for about an hour. Then I let them free when I get home at 5:30 but daylight is shrinking.
Thanks, WVduckchick; I have started waiting until about 10 a.m. to let them out, in hopes that out of sheer boredom they'll check out the nest boxes! :) So far, they're not too curious, but I guess it's because they're not looking for a spot to lay eggs yet!
I think we are up to 8 eggs now. Two were laid on the coop floor and one outside in the run. The rest were laid in the nest boxes. There are at least 2 out of the 10 chickens that we have are laying now. Some are obviously still too young. I thought about adding a light to extend the daylight hours, but I found out that chickens only have a limited number of egg cells in their body and I figured it's better to extend the length of their egg laying life by not inducing them to lay with lighting. Is this a correct assumption?
We got an egg Sunday in the nest box, none Monday, one on the ground outside the coop yesterday, then 2 in the egg box today! Unfortunately, my daughter (5) dropped the one she was carrying on the tile floor when we got it inside today. She was upset, but it was cool to see what the yolk and everything looks like since we haven't cracked open any of the others yet.

Our Barnevelder laid her first egg yesterday at 26 weeks of age. It is the dark, shiny egg surrounded by all the Cream Legbar eggs. Hopefully our Welsummer will get the hint and lay soon, too!
I have 13 week old barred rock, when should I expect them to start laying? Also right now they all look the same except some are more white and black and others appear more black and white. From what I've read the more blacks are my girls, is this true?

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