Who else is waiting for that first egg?

Well thank you your girl is stunning and she has such wonderfully feathered legs. Idk if mine will ever get there but that's okay I love her anyway although considering she was born with almost completely naked legs she has gotten more feathers than I thought she would. I love how my silkies' legs look especially my splash pullet, Lovey, I always tell her that she has pants, pantaloons, etc and slippers on. She has very very well feathered legs ;)
I hadn't really thought the egg could be from my silkie pullets as they don't have any combs yet(although I may have one that does it my buff turns out to be a girl in spite of what everyone thought) and idk what a bantam cochin egg looks like or a bantam oegb(well not that I remember-lol I wasn't studying the outside of the eggs lol) but it'd be cool if it was from my silkies. From what I've read I wasn't truly expecting any of my little girls to lay probably until spring.
It's funny that my bantam cochin is also holding her tail up in the photo as she doesn't usually, but like I said she really did poop the biggest poo ever right as I snapped the picture. Thankfully it fell faster than my phone could capture a camera. Lol
Loving the name Katherine :) still haven't named my girl my mom wants Dottie, but I just don't think it fits her well. Any ideas? What's your Katherine's personality like? My girl is a little flighty but sweet when caught, although I do think she's getting better. She hates being put to bed(my little girls aren't yet in the coop at night as the big girls still think they're intruders when by it but the little girls at least go by the run now. They have a refrigerator sized box as a "coop" in the sun porch that they sleep in they're out the rest of the time. Hopefully this week they'll be out in the coop with the big girls full time :)

sadly I think that our first feather footed bird that the main flock knew dieing(in a freak accident where he fell and broke his neck) made it harder to introduce the little silkies, that and the fact that my little self blue oegb Crocket thinks she's bigger than everyone lol He was my biggest peace keeper and I miss him so. He was porcelain D'uccle and his name was Blue
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I have eggs!!!!! My first eggs from my 26 week old RIR. So two of nine started today, though I am surprised that they are so light. Is that normal?
CONGRATS @daxigait !!!

I don't have any RIRs but of the three different breeds that I do have laying, I noticed that the color (not to mention the size) varied quite a bit during the first couple of weeks of laying. They now have settled into a look that helps me identify who laid each day. And one trend was that the eggs tended to get darker after the first few.
CONGRATS @daxigait

I don't have any RIRs but of the three different breeds that I do have laying, I noticed that the color (not to mention the size) varied quite a bit during the first couple of weeks of laying. They now have settled into a look that helps me identify who laid each day. And one trend was that the eggs tended to get darker after the first few.
oh, good. My other pen started two weeks ago with the Barred rocks and buff/EE and three of those six are now laying. The one is a br and her eggs are dark whereas the others have pinkish eggs. The RIR are in a different pen or I would have thought they were eggs from the buffs. Have a great evening.
@chickendreams24one of the two buuf/EE has white spots on her pinkish egg too. She had rings on her second egg, but in her two weeks she has settled into spots.
Okay, my Australorps are going on 26 weeks... I have decided that I'm not letting them free range any more until they start laying some eggs... Maybe they aren't getting all the great nutrition that they need... So now they will only get their own food... I guess we could take bets to see how long it will take to get my first egg....lol Rae
Rae my red star laid an egg at exavtly 20 weeks -- the day after I gave the group oatmeal.
no eggs from the other chicks though although they are the same ages. Other chicks are buff orpingtons, black Australorp, barred rock, easter egger, and one gray polish.

Okay, my Australorps are going on 26 weeks... I have decided that I'm not letting them free range any more until they start laying some eggs... Maybe they aren't getting all the great nutrition that they need... So now they will only get their own food... I guess we could take bets to see how long it will take to get my first egg....lol Rae

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