Who else is waiting for that first egg?

Oh my goodness, I went out this afternoon and got all the eggs and then noticed the hens all looking at this very tiny egg....I've never seen an egg that small before... It was perfect!
I'm not really sure if this picture really shows how tiny it is, that is a quarter next to it... Rae
Did it have a yolk in it?
We had a tiny egg the other day - about the size of a dime.  It had a tiny yolk :)

it was on the hen house floor....Today there was another another egg on the floor and it was really elongated, so maybe the same hen laid it.... I'm hoping that she starts laying in the nesting boxes....Rae
I had the strangest thing happen.. my 6 month silkie started laying full sized eggs that appear to be fertile. Go figure, usualy they start off small and slowly get bigger. Not with this girl! Anybody else have this happen poulet laying norml sized eggs right away?
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My 30 week EE squatted twice today and when she did the lowest in ranking hen (her buddy who is not laying) held her down and started pecking her on the head, what is this all about? The other girls just ignored them. Yes positive they are all hens

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