Who else is waiting for that first egg?

I had the strangest thing happen.. my 6 month silkie started laying full sized eggs that appear to be fertile. Go figure, usualy they start off small and slowly get bigger. Not with this girl! Anybody else have this happen poulet laying norml sized eggs right away?

My two layers so far started with full size eggs. I was expecting small pullet eggs, so they seem huge.
My silver laced polish squatted yesterday! Eggs coming soon. She is now 35 weeks.

She laid her first egg! 45.3g
She did not want to lay her first alone. Her in the box with the Buff Orpington.

Her egg sitting next to the BO.

Polish egg on the right.
My silkies lay every second day. I just confirmed that my pullets eggs are fertile!!! I was surprised by her large eggs, but even more surprised to find out that my 21 week old silkie rooster is doing his job, when his father did stat breeding jntil he was almost 1 year old! Go figure, i guess his son is an early bloomer!!
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At least one of my silkies lays almost every single day in a week she misses one or two days tops. I haven't completely figured the other three silkies out I know at least one more is laying but not for sure who or how many. The first silkie is really easy to see as she lays white eggs. She's our only white layer right now.
I have a few questions or observance, have you ever seen the hen in the nesting box eat a few of those tiny feathers the chickens have? And we have 14 Australorps but one of them is laying a whitish colored egg....And one of them is laying on the floor right underneath the 2x4's..Do you think she is laying that egg from the roosts?... Rae
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All of my chickens are laying. Not every day... well two (RIR and barnyard mix I'm guessing). I have a white chicken that is laying a small egg and a few rubbery eggs. My newest layer is a Barred Rock mix and is laying a brown egg.
I didn't think they would lay during the winter. They stopped for about 2 weeks and the laying picked back up. Whee whoo!
I was gifted another first egg this morning! So I am now up to 6 layers!!!! It was a BEAUTIFUL egg too!! Tiny had been "practicing" for weeks, and showed a huge interest in the nesting boxes recently. I knew it was close, but the anticipation was driving me nutty hehe! I heard a new egg song the other day, but during normal egg check there was no new egg. Today though, she finally laid!!!! Now, if I could get her to be a little less rough when "making her nest" that would be great. She is burying other eggs (thankfully none have been broken yet), silly girl!
Our Blue Cochin "Lucky" aka "Fluff-butt" squatted today!! Eggs are coming!

33 weeks
The wait is over. Peanutbutter, the oldest of the pullets finally laid. Hers was easy to identify as she is the only EE in the pen.

Born at Easter and didn't lay until the day after Christmas. She must be special so we may have to think about a more appropriate name for her. Perhaps Mary....

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