Who else is waiting for that first egg?

Goldie finally started squatting she's 32 weeks old hopefully eggs soon.
Good to hear your EE finally laid an egg Desertrocks! I don't feel so bad now. Mine was born in May and I'm still waiting for that first egg from her!
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Came home for lunch from work today. Went out to feed some goodies as I couldn't get out there this morning. And, Score! First egg!

It's the small one compared to grocery store egg.
Not sure who, but I think it's Gretta...

She's the most mature although all 7 were purchased on July29th.
Funniest thing is, yesterday and even this Am, the girls never came out of the coop. Do they all stay in to admire the new mom? Was Gretta keeping the others at bay to protect her new egg? Oh well, very happy. Waiting for others to join in.
Best part, it was right smack dab in the nesting box on the first try!
Happy New Year to all...Phil
My labor-day hatch is at the 4 month mark... the cockerels are starting to crow - I suppose eggs could start coming too... officially joining the waiting game again!
All my girls are laying now and steady through the winter... one started laying a rubbery egg and then some some thin cream colored shelled eggs. Now her eggs are slightly getting bigger and the shell is more hardy it's changes cream tones too. I make sure the feed has crush egg shells to beef up the calcium in their diet. My other girls lay hardy large dark brown, medium brown, and a brown with speckles.
Does anyone know if the small cream eggs will continue to get larger?
Mine have slowed down because of the weather we've been having, but I now have 8 out of 10 laying! All 4 of my EE have started laying!! I'm still waiting on the cochins (7mos 1wk) to start.
One was just starting to lay once every few days late September early October they were just maturing when the days shortened and not an egg since. I waited till two weeks ago to give them supplimental light on at 4am and off at 7:30am natural evenings so pretty dark by 5pm. It paid off Friday and Saturday the Delaware gave us her first two eggs and today someone else laid one outside in the run but it was bluegreen so Easter Egger or Cream Legbar.

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