Who has still air Hova Bator


In the Brooder
10 Years
Aug 10, 2009
Getting ready to set my Coturnix quail eggs and just wondering what kind of hatch rate people are getting with the Hova still airs with no turner? I like to know what I'm shooting for.
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I just had a chicken egg hatch rate of 4 out of 14 in mine! They had been in an LG with a fan part of the time though so probably not a good comparison. Good luck.
I have not had too much luck---my problem being drop in temps at night. My last hatch I got 3 chicks out of 12. I will take it, but I did order a brinsea in the hope of less temp spikes and calibration of this and that. I want the rhonco of incubation.....just set it and forget it!!!! LOL
My advice would be to not keep playing with the temp, unless it is way off. Otherwise you will be playing ALL day. I also did dry incubation until day 18 and then sent to humity up high with towels (hot towels) dont use a bowl of water cause I had a chick drown on me. So sad. Hope my rambling helps.........(mine is a still air with auto turner)
Good luck!!
I had a very successful coturnix hatch in my still-air hovabator, I don't remember exact figures, but, you shouldn't have a problem.
Have had very good hatches with mine, but I have a turner. First time hatching had 37 out of 42 chicken eggs hatch, these were not shipped eggs. Hatched some shipped button quail had 20 out of 35 hatch. I like it, I just need something bigger.
I have a hovabator but it has a turner. My house is old and drafty and it has wide temperature fluctuations. I just plugged in my hovabator but I ran an extension cord and put it in the middle shelf of the linen closet and insulated all around it with towels and blankets, but left enough gaps for good air circulation, and put a rubber band around the door knobs so it can't be acccidently left open. I will tell you how well I do in about three weeks! Wish me luck! So far it is holding very steady today at 101 with the hygrometer setting on top of a large piece of hardware cloth on top of the eggs.
I have a still air with no turner and my hatches are always great...well not always, sometimes they are not as good with shipped eggs, but that has nothing to do with the incubator!

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