Who has used Night time introducing when adding to their flock

You got lucky. The noisy bird, probably is a bit of a leader, higher up the pecking order bird.

I have had luck like this by adding a couple of birds, similar size and disposition. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. You got lucky.
Wow, lots of bird for 4x8...you did get lucky.
They get out every morning as the sun comes up and they have A whole acre to roam so the only time they are confined is at night when I shut the coop. Other than that they range. Or maybe I have good birds. I have two roosters that get along grant it one is A bantam but the big boy Foghorn doesn't pick on him. Is that abnormal?
They get out every morning as the sun comes up and they have A whole acre to roam so the only time they are confined is at night when I shut the coop. Other than that they range. Or maybe I have good birds. I have two roosters that get along grant it one is A bantam but the big boy Foghorn doesn't pick on him. Is that abnormal?
Not really abnormal......just that more crowded can lead to more aggression.
I have a 4 x 8, mine is 6 feet tall, and I can do a few more birds than 8 that would be traditionally recommended. It depends on the set up, and the season. Winter, you might need to reduce if the tension rises in the flock.

I am down in numbers...thinking of doing chicks this late summer, early fall...
I have a 4 x 8, mine is 6 feet tall, and I can do a few more birds than 8 that would be traditionally recommended. It depends on the set up, and the season. Winter, you might need to reduce if the tension rises in the flock.

I am down in numbers...thinking of doing chicks this late summer, early fall...
This is something I thought about when I made the coop I built it with two levels both are 4 ft high the coop is 10 ft at the peak with holes to go up or down on both ends. But if I need to build another coop or cull some of the dual purpose in winter then I will if needed but at this point they all get along and are in great health. They get lots of bugs down by the creek but the new girl is shy. Maybe I will separate some of them and put them in my spare coop during winter I built it last month but everyone goes to the old one. I made this out of my old fence but they haven't used it yet.
It's funny, I'm only in my first year of keeping chickens and I got really paranoid about most aspects of raising them - there is a lot of information on space, introductions, choosing a roo etc., and I'm starting to think it's more guidelines than hard and fast rules. I mean it is just my experience but if i keep the guidelines in mind, and pay attention then I am able to see problems quickly.

Adding someone at night has worked really well for me, but it's always been birds who have grown up and seen each other their whole lives. I suspect there is a reason it's a common method. :) PS. I agree you got lucky about disease free.

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