Who is pipping and waiting right now??

Day 16, and the coturnix quail are pipping!!!
I checked first thing this morning.... nuttin. I check at noon, and count at least 9 pipped. (I have them split between two hatchers...)

I guess I'd better go clean out the aquarium and get it warming up!!!
It's amazing... I can't get chicken eggs to hatch worth squat, but quail eggs do much better through the mail. I'm not complaining! Well, OK, I am a little because on day 13 only 2 of my blue orps from Speckledhen are developing, but they look strong and if both hatch I will be SOOOO happy!
I have 18 Mille Fleur's ready to hatch, so far 3 pipping, hoping for some more signs that the rest will hatch. Got this batch from e-bay. Some had weird air sacks, so I have my fingers crossed that they will hatch. Wish me luck that I will be able to post some pictures of them tomorrow.
Hooray, one of my game hen's hatched 8 biddie's today. I'm worried because I have a predature. My hen bedded down under a wheelbarrol about 2 feet in front of my pit bull's pen right outside of my window. She will be safe tonight. Nothing out of my bator yet. I'm going to try and learn how to candle tonight. Wish me luck on my try.
today is day 21 4 have hatched 2 still pipped had to throw away a bunch of bad eggs.3 left in bator with nothing yet. 1 born with crooked neck again. What causes that?
I AM...waiting...and after everything that's happened with this hatch, it feels so good!
Anytime now...10 Salmon Favorelle.

Just put in (the past 3 days) 24 Barbanter (Golden and Cream) and 18 Serama eggs , staggered hatch due on the 6, 7, and 8th of July.
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