Who is setting eggs today - 4/14?

I just found (and bought!) a dozen fertile Black Copper Marans eggs that I'd love to set with these. What do you guys think? Would that work since the new eggs would be about 4 full days behind?
Testing incubator right now.Borrowed from a friend. it's not in the best condition. I understand the egg turners move so slowly that you cant tell they are moving. How long should it be until i notice a change in position. I want to know if it;s not working before it;s too late. I set a candy thermometer in it for now to make sure it comes up to temperature. Do you you a thermometer that also measures humidity or do you guestimate? I am hatching for the first time ever. These will be mixed breed chicks. I have some silkies, anconas, Colombian wyndottes , welsumers, lakenvelders etc. Should be interesting. I have a buff Bahama Rooster.

Chickenhugger, did you get answers to these questions? My turners move pretty slowly but I can tell they're moving. Take notice of which way they're tilted and then check to see if it's moved in a half hour or so? That had me concerned until I noticed that it does move quite a bit. I have a cheap humidity thermometer but I don't usually keep in it. Maybe there's a link there?

Your chicks sound like they will be QUITE interesting! Can't wait to see what they look like!!

You're the person I want to talk to!! What kind of incubator are you using? I just added 12 marans eggs and I'm wondering how that will work since they're 4 days behind. I can put them all into lockdown together, but I'm concerned they'll get rolled around during hatching. How do you handle that?
I'm a bit late but I set 48 mixed eggs yesterday (Wednesday the 18th). It's basically a test run of my new incubator which was why I bought the cheapest fertile eggs I could find to put in and I'll probably just get ISA Brown crosses if they hatch. But the incubator is doing remarkably well, after warming up it's been at a consistant 37.6 degrees and the humidity's been hovering around 48%. Is this good or bad as I can't get the humidity to go up higher?

I haven't hatched chickens since I was about seven years old so I'm very excited!
I set 41 eggs on 4/15/12. Yesterday there was a pretty bad odor coming from the incubator so I ended up candling them. I found the stinker and also removed about 5 eggs total since they had no air cell. Its still really early in development but most of them had nice dark areas forming inside the eggs. I'm not exactly sure what an egg on day 4 of incubation should look like though! I know I did want to remove that bad egg before it exploded! Those things smell so bad!! I'm glad its gone! Phew!
Candled my Araucana eggs last night.
I was very concerned about them becasue when I got home from work on Monday one of the bulbs had burnt out [the one that regulates the temperature].
The temperature was at 110°F - luckily it looks like it wasn't for very long.
Glad to say all 12 are looking good so far.

Good Luck!
Chickenhugger, did you get answers to these questions? My turners move pretty slowly but I can tell they're moving. Take notice of which way they're tilted and then check to see if it's moved in a half hour or so? That had me concerned until I noticed that it does move quite a bit. I have a cheap humidity thermometer but I don't usually keep in it. Maybe there's a link there?

Your chicks sound like they will be QUITE interesting! Can't wait to see what they look like!!

Hi there, I kind of figured it out. The eggs were tilting a different way after a few hours so now I know. Such a newbie! Just winging it on the humidity. Thanks for the response will keep posting here. I hope It all works out!

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