Who killed my hens?


13 Years
May 12, 2011
On Saturday, I lost my three hens in a day time attack when we were out between 9:00 am and noon. Two were intact - dead, but no visible injuries and no feathers every where. One was mostly eaten with feathers in two places in the yard - across the lawn and where we found the body. The yard is fenced with 6 foot fencing on two sides and 5 foot on the other two. There is plenty of cover for them to hide. We lost other hens when we forgot to close the door to the coop at night. (We have an automatic door now.) We think that was a raccoon attack because that seems most likely. We also lost two bantams to a hawk. We saw the hawk and haven't seen one since. We have a small dog with free access to the yard, but I guess he is not much use in protecting the flock. Funny - no squirrels are allowed in our yard, but chicken eating predators are ok.

My question is what do people think killed these hens? We have never seen any predators besides the hawk. I would like to predator proof my yard but I would also like to know who is the likely critter. I'm guessing raccoons because they can climb the fence. But maybe foxes can too? Besides shooting them (not going to happen in this suburban lot), what ideas do people have? Electric fences? Live traps? There was a security system for sale - anyone have experience with that?

Thanks for any advice. I would love to keep having chickens, but only if I can keep them reasonably safe day and night.
No chance it's a dog. There are no lose dogs in my neighborhood ever - very inner suburbs and people don't let their dogs out. Also, the backyard is completely fenced with gates that can't be opened without much trouble.
might be a snake. one tried getting my hen and her two chicks.they were in an enclosed area and blocked off pretty fair but somehow a 3ft snake got in and started chasing them around.luckily it got chopped before it did any harm except for a feather or two. i would suggest to keep a close eye on them to see whats been taking your chickens to get a better idea of how to get rid of it.
Fox can get over a 6 foot fence easy...could be coon too. I'd put out a live trap and/or gamecam. Electric can work depends on your yard and other factors of the environment you live in. Free ranging is risky and keep your birds on a predator proof run might be the safest option.
Maybe a rabid racoon!! theyve killed hens and left them whole, only to eat one of the 3 or 4 they killed
I've never seen a cat lose. There used to be one, but I talked to the owners and they said he died some years ago. I didn't think that foxes could climb fences so I thought I was ok there. We do see foxes during the day, but not raccoons. And I've never seen anything in my back yard. I'm going to try live traps and see what we get before getting more hens. I really don't want to be raising raccoon or fox food but I miss having chickens more than I thought I would. They kind of grow on you. They are so funny to watch.
Here in the northeast we have whats called a fisher cat, a ferret type animal that kills hens for pleasure, they can grow up to 35-40lbs. foxes and coyotes do it for fun as well. A co-worker of mine lost about 25 chickens in a night to a fisher.

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