who put there incubators up?

I am giving my incubator a rest until after the holidays. I have 2 hatches left one on Nov. 29th and another on Dec. 1st. I have no hatches this week. Made sure not to set any eggs for hatching during Thanksgiving week.
After this hatch, I will be putting mine up until March. The excuse I used to buy an incubator was I had a broody that sat for two weeks then quit on me. So cruel. She got me excited about having fuzzy butts then let me down....so I set some on my own.
Mine is put away. I use the shed for a brooder and it is too cold for that now
I try my hardest to not use the mudroom. I will be pulling it out again in March when my LO's will be hopefully
I put mine up in the beginning of October, to stay up until after New year's.

And got it back out at the end of October.

Yes I am a glutton for indoor baby brooding punishment.
Mine was all boxed up to go to Brinsea for repairs (the automatic turner isn't working). Then we had a massacre and all of my hens were killed. So, I unboxed it and set 7 of my favorite eggs, due to hatch around Thanksgiving.

Once they hatch, I WILL send it off for repairs and will not be able to hatch again til it comes back.

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