Who should I introduce first???


In the Brooder
Sep 9, 2023
Hi chicken people! ❤️ So I have three different groups of chickens, and I wanted some suggestions on who I should introduce to who first! I just want to make it easier on everyone involved. Sorry for all the questions, this is the first time I've had a rooster and this many hens!

Group 1: Two mature hens and a rooster
Group 2: Two mature hens
Group 3: Five pullets (14 weeks old)

Should I introduce the mature hens to each other first? Or should I introduce the pullets to one of the groups first?

Also, should I separate the rooster and introduce him by himself after the girls are getting along? He is very protective of his girls, always doing the "dominant wing dance" through the fence at the new hens. Hopefully that isn't a bad sign and he'll come around to them!

Thank you for any and all suggestions!
Hi chicken people! ❤️ So I have three different groups of chickens, and I wanted some suggestions on who I should introduce to who first! I just want to make it easier on everyone involved. Sorry for all the questions, this is the first time I've had a rooster and this many hens!

Group 1: Two mature hens and a rooster
Group 2: Two mature hens
Group 3: Five pullets (14 weeks old)

Should I introduce the mature hens to each other first? Or should I introduce the pullets to one of the groups first?

Also, should I separate the rooster and introduce him by himself after the girls are getting along? He is very protective of his girls, always doing the "dominant wing dance" through the fence at the new hens. Hopefully that isn't a bad sign and he'll come around to them!

Thank you for any and all suggestions!
Hi! I’m not sure how do you plan to introduce them? @fluffycrow @chickens105
Hi! I’m not sure how do you plan to introduce them? @fluffycrow @chickens105
I plan to keep them in separate pens next to each other for a few weeks. Once they are used to that, I plan to slowly let them free-range together under supervision. Then repeat for a few days until I'm sure they can be put together in the same coop.
I plan to keep them in separate pens next to each other for a few weeks. Once they are used to that, I plan to slowly let them free-range together under supervision. Then repeat for a few days until I'm sure they can be put together in the same coop.
That sounds like a good plan.

I would probably put the pullets in the main coop, so they can get used to it, and have the others in the temporary pens.

The pullets are the ones most likely to get bullied or picked on, so letting them become comfortable in the coop may give them a helpful advantage.

I would probably try to introduce all three groups at once, rather than doing one introduction and then another. So I would set up the pens to let all three groups see each other, and I would let all three groups together at once for free-ranging. Or let them free range as two groups at a time, but change up which groups so each group gets to range with each other group.

If you really do not want to to all three groups at once, I would probably try to combine the pullets with the no-rooster hens first, and then combine them with the rooster/hen group. The ones added last will be more likely to get bullied by the first two groups, but I am expecting that the rooster will partly protect "his" hens from bullying by the others, which is why I would add them last (but I really think it would be better to put all 3 groups together at the same time.)
I agree with @NatJ . After seeing each other in those adjacent pens, let them out while free ranging. I like to let the youngsters outside first, late in the day for at least a couple of days, so they can learn the outside area. Then, free range everyone, again, late in the day, so they are motivated to return to their coop areas sooner, rather than later.
I would probably try to introduce all three groups at once, rather than doing one introduction and then another.
Agreed, that way the pecking order only needs to get established once, rather than unsettling everyone with repeated new introductions. "First-meet" outside their enclosures while free-ranging sounds like a very good plan.

Inside their enclosed coop/run, will they have plenty of space and lots of "coop clutter" to provide escape areas for anyone being bullied & to keep them all entertained? Multiple feeding/watering stations so no one gets excluded?
I like Nat's sequence too.

Inside their enclosed coop/run, will they have plenty of space and lots of "coop clutter" to provide escape areas for anyone being bullied & to keep them all entertained? Multiple feeding/watering stations so no one gets excluded?
Ditto Dat!
Lots of space is essential and I wonder how big is the coop and runs/pens?
Does each pen have it's own coop/shelter and a door to the range area?

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