Who was looking for RC Rhode Islands?


Aug 30, 2020
Southern Idaho
I remember coming across someone looking for rose combed Rhode Islands earlier this year. Can’t seem to find the thread, but I happened to start a conversation with the 4H Small Animal Round Robin Poultry judge at a local fair yesterday. He breeds rose combed Rhode Island Reds and Whites! https://www.rockinr-ranch.com/
His website isn’t up to date, but you can find photos of his birds on his ranch’s FB page. I’m thinking I might try to purchase some of his ‘cull’ hens just for my backyard flock sometime in the future. Very pretty birds, I love the deep red of showline RIR. Hope whoever was looking comes across this!
I love my rowdy 'rodes. (I call them that because the first and only batch I had were adults and not well mannered). sadly, they were only a babysitting set, and went back home. ever since the time when I brought in a scoop of food, and they were all looking up at me expectantly, I have always had a special place in my heart for them

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