Whole Wheat Pasta? Any good recipes?


9 Years
Jul 7, 2010
Liverpool, NY
I have been dabeling in making pasta lately and like whole wheat, I like mine but want a more tender pasta, easier to kneed and work with. Any ideas?
2 Cups whole-wheat flour

2 Cups all-purpose flour

1/2 teaspoon salt, two eggs, 1 tablespoon olive oil

About 7/8 cup lukewarm water

Mix two types of flour with the salt on work surface, shape into a mound and make a hollow in the middle. break the eggs into it.

Measure the tablespoon of olive oil and add it to the eggs in the hollow.

Mix the ingredients into the hollow together and then begin to stir in the flour from the edge.

As soon as a viscous paste begins to form in the hollow, use both hands to heap he remaining flour over the paste.

Mix the flour into the paste using both thumbs to work in enough water to bind together into a dough. Shape the dough into a ball.

Push out the dough with the heal of the hands and form it into a ball again. Repeat this kneading action until the dough retains its shape.

Roll the dough into a ball, cover with plastic wrap, and let rest at least one hour.

There you go! Found this recipe in my favorite book on all things pasta, The Pasta Bible. It says in the book that all whole-wheat flours require the addition of refined white flour to make a dough that is easy to work. It looks pretty good in the book. May have to try this myself.
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What LADYINRED said:

There you go! Found this recipe in my favorite book on all things pasta, The Pasta Bible. It says in the book that all whole-wheat flours require the addition of refined white flour to make a dough that is easy to work. It looks pretty good in the book. May have to try this myself.

I heartily agree. If you used ALL whole wheat flour you would have a real mess on you hands. I've been making a lot of Udon Noodles over the last two weeks, and a lot of recipes call for whole wheat flour, well I didn't have any so used Bread Flour and then the next time All Purpose Flour - and I used my KitchenAid mixer to knead the dough. Once again I am a hero to my wife as it had been cold and snowy here and the noodle soup was very comforting. I also made a Noodles in a Thai Peanut sauce that was awesome. I will post those recipes once I feel I can explain my technique well enough to translate to print.
Thanks! I'll try that one though I am partial to all whole wheat! haha I think I have been using too many eggs! I was told 1 egg per cup of flour?? and no water no wonder I was sweating and my wrists hurt!!!lol
If you are trying to use all whole grain flours, you might try mixing your own "all purpose" flour. It's nothing more than 2/3 whole wheat and 1/3 barley flour. The barley is lower in gluten and lightens things up significantly.

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