Who's a little tubby?

Southern,,,there's nothing wrong with a little junk in the trunk. It's when that junk spreads to the front that you have to worry. There are many songs about lovin the junk in the trunk. LOL

I lost a lot a weight a few years ago. I found out that the best way for me to loose weight was to get really angry about things (What ever has really pee'd you off recently) and then go for a brisk walk, hit the heavy bag, Kick the soccor ball. For some reason it helped me loose a ton of weight and helped me deal with some personal issues. I reallly felt better after wards.
I've always had a healthy rear but when I start to gain weight it all goes to my butt. Don't stand to close to it...if I turn around I might just knock you over.
I resumed working out to home exercise videos in November after reading some inspiring BYC exercise threads. I didn't lose weight, but felt stronger and more flexible.

I finally lost weight (5 lbs) by doing the South Beach diet these past two weeks. Am encouraged by that, so will continue. I don't feel comfortable leaning toward size 12, and I'm afraid of gaining weight each year I get older.
My DH knows better too! I told him last night that I'm a "puddin" and he's like, what does that mean?? lol He's well trained...

I go through this nearly every year, gain weight in the winter (have to have it to keep warm) then lose it when the weather turns, BUT this year I went on Depo (the bc shot) and I gained 15 #'s in six months! This year's gonna be tricky...
I could stand to lose 20 lbs or so. I always eat heavier fare in the winter- more pasta and such. When the weather gets warm, and I get more active, I crave veggies and leaner foods.
Oh gosh, I wish I had just 20 lbs to lose. I'd be happy losing 40, but could lose 60-70. I have to admit, I started working at a barn cleaning stalls, 3-4 days a week. I'm there for a length of 3 hrs./day, and I make sure I am working when I do this, not lolly gaggin' around taking my time. I have not lost one pound with this excersise.
After working at the barn I'm so tired, I can't even think about adding any other excersise to my days. I have 3 kids and with them along with house hold stuff, there's no time for me. I am not always good about watching what I eat, but I also don't binge eat or eat all day. It's so disappointing. I turn 40 in a couple years and my life long dream was to have my own horse and start riding with my daughter, but I dont' know if I'll ever get there, I'm afraid I'll kill the horse!!
I did lose weight years ago doing the Atkins, I know it's not good for you, but I believe there are things from it that can be used today in a healthy lifestyle ( cutting down, not out, carbs ). So maybe a kick start with that, and a follow up of that Relecore (sp? ) will do it for me. Ugh, it just seems so out of reach!

Here's to life!

I know how hard and discourging it can be to try and lose weight and nothing happen. I have managed to lose 50 pounds in little less than a year. I think what helped me the most was not eating after 5:00. I would eat a late supper and then lay on the couch and watch tv and then go to bed. Big mistake!! Also walking!! I would walk atleast a mile every afternoon. Walking is not my favorite thing to do, but it did help.

DH don't say a word other than I love you just the way you are!!
he is so sweet( when he wants something)
A lot of people say Atkins isn't good. I disagree. What's good? Being overweight? I think it's worth it to do the low carb thing or Atkins lifestyle, it's only hard in the beginning (as it is with every diet) then you're on your way!

It's the maintaining that's hard for any dieter, that's why you have to make it a lifestyle of eating. Yeah right, I should talk, but I'm gearing up to this also. I'd be SO HAPPY if I got rid of 8 or 9 lbs.

That shouldn't be too bad right?

I just have to DO IT!
Just 2 days ago, I was lamenting to my DH that I had gained some weight since I had my appendix out. I used to be so active...why oh why did I stop...
Anyways, I said in my 7 YO hearing, I don't like being fat... & 7YO says "you're not fat, Mama!" OK, then I'm fluffy...She says, "not fluffy, just full." I laughed till I cried and wasn't sure if I was cryng cuz it was funny or because "full" isn't a good place to be either!


PS how do you exercise with bursitis in your hip? I used to walk and jog, but it aggravates it so much now, what can I do? even swimming hurts, and we have a pass
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