Who's a little tubby?

My wife made the mistake of asking me "do these pants make my aXX look big?" while I was working on a drill in the garage...
Just out of pure reflex without even looking up I said, "It's not the pants".

I could almost see the words floating through the air.
Then I could feel the back of my neck burning from the laserbeams coming out of her eyes, etc....

A N Y W A Y...

I started at 215lb and now I hover around 198, my "fighting weight".
I'm also a nutritional consultant AND a personal Chef so if you want any advce feel free to ask.
I'm going for an advaced degree so I welcome questions and may ask for volunteers for case study if youre game for it.
That sounds like something out of a commercial

And after hearing the "junk in the trunk" I can't help but hear that Mountain Dew commercial running *over and over* in my head

Speaking of Mountain Dew...my big downfall. I need help getting away from soda. My husband will never quit drinking it, so it will always be in the house. I am addicted to it too; I get a headache at the end of the day if I avoid soda the whole day. I have about 50 lbs to lose. I'm only 5'3...so I'm short, and I would like to be back down to 120...where I was before marriage and 3 kids, lol! I know, it seems funny, and stereotypical to want to be that weight, but it's been so long since I've been down to that "end" of the scale. I just need to get my butt off the computer, and work out. We have an elliptical machine, Total Gym, Ab Doer, and Punching bag in our basement. I just hang out in our room on the computer, because our youngest son's crib is in here, and he's either hooked up to his feeding pump, or needing meds, neb treatments etc. I just need motivation too, I guess.
Motivation - it's sweet when you have it, but you don't need it to start down your path to feeling more fit.

Sometimes you just have to start doing what's right, even though your brain is screaming that you don't want any part of going for a walk, getting on that bike, or trying yoga, etc.

Then once you're are actually in the middle of your walk or exercise DVD, or after you've lost a pound or two, you realize that "hey, this is pretty neat after all" and "wow, I feel like doing an additional five minutes tomorrow".

Do the right thing and the feelings of motiviation, and belief in yourself will follow.
Ksacres, I guess I just consider myself short; I was the shortest in my class in school...though now I'm taller then some people in our family- my mother in law, my sister in law's mother in law...etc :lol

I joined this website called Sparkspeople, that has exercise and nutrition tips, etc. Under their BMI...I think it was, whatever info I had to type in, it came back as me being obese...yikes! That scared me, along with all the studies on the body fat in your tummy area being more dangerous. So I don't know if I'm going by all the right studies or whatever, I do know that I don't have near the energy I should, become out of breathe quite easily, find it harder to tie my shoes (that one really made me realize I need to do something) etc...I just know I need to do something about it, in order to feel better, and be a better mom to my boys.
The average height of American women is 5'4" or 5'5". So I don't consider that short. But clothes always look better on taller women. No fair.
I found this website, My_calorie_counter.com. I never had a weight problem my whole life, but in the last five years I took on my sisters kids which meant dealing with unimaginable drama and government agencies that really stressed me out. And I put on close to 50lbs. Now my mom has been a fitness instructor for close to 20 years so I know what I needed to do, but couldn't seem to find the time either. I wasn't being accountable for myself and thought about keeping a journal when I happened upon this website. It's great, an online journal with all the info you need about calories, fat & saturated fats, sodium, sugars, fiber, protein, and carbs! Plus it has a list of all activities from working out to sleeping and how many calories the activity burns. Now when I want to eat, when I feel hungry, I go to this site, do a search and if the calorie count and the carbs count is too high for my standards I don't eat what I had in mind and find something else. Plus it's great to see your progress charted out for you. They also have a forum and support groups, but I haven't really been in there. (after being on this forum, no other seems to be up to par!
but don't tell them I said that!) I did the same thing with working out, I searched for the activity that would burn the most calories and do that one. It's working great for me. Oh, and the site is free!!! So you've got nothing to lose but weight!

By the way, I am in no part affiliated with the website and I know my post sort of sounds like a commercial, but I just understand exactly how some of you feel and just want to offer whatever help I can. And most diets are about one aspect and not the other, Adkins-works great but leaves out how important cutting calories is as well (I read the whole book, and the concept is very good) And calorie counting diets are also good, but they don't mention cutting back carbs. You'd be surprised how a low calorie food can soar with carbs and it's still not good for you. What's working for me is keeping my calories AND carbs at or under a certain limit, and keeping this journal from the website along with exercise. Hope this helps!
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That sounds like something out of a commercial

And after hearing the "junk in the trunk" I can't help but hear that Mountain Dew commercial running *over and over* in my head

Speaking of Mountain Dew...my big downfall. I need help getting away from soda. My husband will never quit drinking it, so it will always be in the house. I am addicted to it too; I get a headache at the end of the day if I avoid soda the whole day. I have about 50 lbs to lose. I'm only 5'3...so I'm short, and I would like to be back down to 120...where I was before marriage and 3 kids, lol! I know, it seems funny, and stereotypical to want to be that weight, but it's been so long since I've been down to that "end" of the scale. I just need to get my butt off the computer, and work out. We have an elliptical machine, Total Gym, Ab Doer, and Punching bag in our basement. I just hang out in our room on the computer, because our youngest son's crib is in here, and he's either hooked up to his feeding pump, or needing meds, neb treatments etc. I just need motivation too, I guess.

Dew is my downfall too...I'm so addicted to it...it's crazy.
the "it's not the pants" remark ...LMFAO...now thats funny right there I dont care who ya are, bet she wasnt laughin but still...it was funny.

Kinda like when my stepdaughter and I were chasin each other around the living room and she lunged at me and I sidestepped her and she ran smack dab into my GF's jesus statue which in turn came crashing to the floor and smashed into a million pieces ..so my GF came and started sweeping it up and I said "what are you doin?" she says "cleanin up this mess you two made" to which I said "don't clean it up, leave it there, it'll be back in 3 days"

She wasnt amused but I was rollin...

anyway, I changed jobs at work and i'm now back outside loading and unloading planes, talk about a weight loss program, I dropped about 10lbs in the first week. we have 30 mins to download and upload a flight. It's usually me and two other people and we have about 130 bags off and another 130 on, plus mail, freight, dead bodies, animals and whatever else to ship.

the cargo bins are about 4ft tall, so you really cant stand up to load which means you gottabe in there on your hands and knees and stack the bags like you're building a brick wall. I'm just glad they dropped the weight limit from 70 to 50 lbs and even now, it's a back killer. just wait till it gets to be about 98 degrees outside and i get up in there...inside it's probably pushing 140-150 degrees or more, like working full speed while doing it in a sauna

I understand the problem with the tempting sodas, but once you quit them you'll feel much better!

Withdrawl symptoms can include, depression, lac of energy, grouchyness, headachs, and "the shakes". The good news is that it should only last a few days. Tough it out and you'll be rewarded by weight loss, MORE energy, better mood, and a longer life.

To help you through the soda blues, make sure you take a GOOD QUALITY multi vitamin at breakfast and lunch along with an extra vitamin C and ZINC tablet.
at least an hour after dinner but at least 30 min before bedtime take a HIGH QUALITY multi-mineral.

After you concur the Soda Monster, Move on to other healthy things, one little step at a time. Don't make drastic lifestyle changes all at once or you'll fall flat on your face!

Try to cut out as much refined foods as possible. like white flour, sugar, "meals in a box", reduce salt intake. Eat only "Whole grain" breads. better yet don't eat bread. Eat fresh fruits and steamed veggies. Don't eat meat with starches (like steak and potatoes).

DO NOT DRINK COW's MILK!! Adult humans are not designed to drink milk. Human babies are designed to drink mother's milk until they are weigned to real food. Milk should be cut out of your life unless you have a milk cow and can get raw unpastorized un homogenized un fortified milk from a non hormone induced cow, and even then only drink it occasionally. It's OK to cook with.

Diet Soda is ten times worse than regular because of the chemicals and artificial sweetners used to make them "calorie free"!!! Its better to drink sugar than poison!!!!!

I almost forgot, drink PLENTY of water! NOT just when you're thirsty.
If you feel a little hungry, drink a full glass of water and wait 7 min. If you're still hungry then eat a little something. I'll bet 9 times out of 10 after drinking the water you won't feel hungry anymore!
Most of the time our body confuses the hungar and thurst feelings in the brain making us eat when we should be drinking.
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Seismic wonder,

That is some pretty good advice. For the most part I stick pretty close to that. I've cut out a lot of breads and for lunch I usually get a turkey wrap with a banana. I've been able to wean myself completely off of soda. I used to drink only diet soda and it was really bad. I haven't noticed a difference not drinking it, but two days ago I drank some and had the worst headache all night.

For dinner, I've been eating a well balanced salad with vinegar and a little oil. I also get a big bowl or two of chicken broth. I'm not a big meat eater, but I do like the chicken broth from the soups in the cafeteria. Sometimes I'll get a little side of cut up potatoes or some other veggie.

I don't usually eat breakfast, but when I do, it's usually a small bowl of cereal. I've been eating a lot of fruits and veggies and yogurts. I haven't eaten any ice cream since I've been back at school or any other sweets for that matter. I've also been walking on a treadmill for about 30 minutes at a good pace. I did that yesterday and I plan to go today as well. I just hope this works! I'm so tired of being overweight. I have more than 25 pounds to lose, but I want to start small and do it in steps. I have a feeling that the lipitor has to do with my continuous weight gain and hunger. I need to call the doctor to get off of that. I'm also a type 1 diabetic, so dieting is very hard for me. I still have to eat carbs and all that, but I think I'm doing better!

I didn't know that about milk! *cry* I LOVE milk! Does milk cause a lot of weight gain? I got the low fat kind for my cereal and I've been sticking with fat free or 2% when I drink it.

I also have to remember not to eat after a certain time at night. I usually eat dinner around 5 or 6, but I always feel hungry later. I'll have to try the water trick.

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