Who's a little tubby?

Regarding the dreaded CARBOHYDRATES (sugar and processed starches), it's not so much that they are fattening in themselves. But once they reach your bloodstream, your body reacts by wanting more carbs. Which can turn into a real spiral of fighting cravings every time you think about food.

Diets that temporarily elminate processed carbs seek to get the source of cravings out of your system. So that for at least a week or two, you won't feel your knees go wobbly at the thought of a fresh bakery roll or Hostess Ho-Ho. It can give you a fighting edge to start living healthy.
Okay, I'll admit it... I could stand to loose about 50 lbs. I was working on it and then my schedule got all messed up (excuse, excuse, excuse).... Anyway, I'll climb back on the wagon again soon.

Oh, I was reigning in on my portions (was in weight watchers for a spell once, great learning experience) for a start, then I was trying to figure out where or how to get some sort of excersize worked in. My options are rather limited in this very rural area.
I hear you on the no fair part.

newchickowner, I will have to check that site out, it sounds interesting!

seismic wonder2-that is very good advice, and many of those things I have been working towards. I totally agree on the starting slow thing; I tried the Dr. Phil weight loss thing, and the Rapid Start plan (1000 calories a day for two weeks) I thought I was going to die, or bite my husband/kids heads off, slather them with ketchup and eat them...yeah, I was hungry, and crabby! :lol

I'm trying to just snack on fruit or yogurt, using more whole wheat things-bought whole wheat flour, pasta's, bread, etc. White sugar is going to be hard to give up. And the MD...I'm working on it. I've been drinking water the last few days-good for me, considering I've gone days without drinking any water; just soda! Yikes, that even sounds horrible. I haven't quit the Dew, but I will get there.

I've heard that, about cow's milk. That we are the only adult "mammals" that drink another mammal's milk. I do have a container of Silk Soy milk in the fridge...that should be okay, shouldn't it?
Here are some links to some great informational pages for those of you who might need a little more understanding of how our bodies process calories and carbs.


On the following link, there are a bunch of links at the top of the page that have tons of information to read. Of all the sites I researched this one put all the info in lamen's terms for regular people to understand. I know it's a lot to read, but when it comes to your health I like to read all information I can get my hands on.


I'm not a certified health instructor, so I'm not giving advise, but information. What I AM DOING is (for my height and weight), I'm consuming around 1,200 calories a day and around 50 carbs a day. I also do a minimum of a medium-high impact workout for an hour everyday. I don't beat myself up if I have a craving and have a few orios or miss my workout. (I have three kids and one is a toddler so some days a workout is impossible!)That's burning around 650 calories and about 10-20 carbs. I also take a women's vitamin and an iron suppliment and I drink pretty much nothing but water. Like you, my life is very busy and sometimes I just can't get it done the way I want. But I move on to the next day and try again. Also, I found that if you use those Crystal Light single packs and put it in a water bottle it helps to consume much more water. (5 calories per packet, 0 carbs)

Edited to add correction, the website I posted earlier is my-calorie-counter.com The one I posted earlier had underscores, that is incorrect.
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I'm 5'9". So I guess I'm a giant.
Speaking of clothes...I can't ever find jeans long enough. All pants are high waters to me unless I'm very lucky and I find long sizes. THAT'S not fair.
Don't loose your mind if you have a few OREOs or a piece of chocolate cake now and again. The problem comes from eating them all day(one here, two there, one here etc...)

I'm a horrible grazer myself. I've been known to eliminate a whole bag of kisses in one day!

Having a few now and then to curb the craving for chockolate is not a problem, but the whole thing!!!!

Carbs are essential to your body. You NEED them to live!!!
The best thing is to do your home work and eat the "slow release" type of carbs. Unfortunately banannas are "fast" release but i love them soooo!
THe key is eating the right combination to maintain a steady blood sugar level through the day.
It's the ups and downs of carbo/sugar cycle that makes us benge eat and "graze" on bad things all day.

If what you eat comes out of a box or can...probably shouldn't eat it.

read the box...if you need a degree to know what's in it....don't eat it!

Try to buy the ingredients at....any store...If they don't sell it, don't eat food that has it as an additive!!!

Most things they put in our food is ILLEGAL for normal people to buy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel sick already!
This is really good info.
I also have heaps to lose around my tummy area.
I have MS and Bursitis, the Bursitis kills me when trying to powerwalk etc.
I used to be a squash coach and was so fit and lean, now I cant stand to look at my waist in the mirror.
I love cheese, milk and bread so Im in trouble.
I have to try and get my inner core strength back.
I tried Fat blaster metaboliser but my Dr said that could be dangerous to speed up my heart rate?
I really need to exercise and its really hot here.
Im going to do this , im going off all my fave foods.
I went off all meat years ago so this should be a cinch!!!
Wow...it's good to know that I am not the only one here that isnt happy about their wieght. I am also supprised to see how many of us are having trouble in the aea of motivation. And I have found that with my self my wieght came on after having three kids. While I was pregnant I( literally became a cow. Once I got past the morning sickness , I would graze at thanks giving time when I was pregnant with my youngest son I ate an entire cheese cake, and never stopped I keep coming back for seconds and before I knew it seconds became fifths. I am now at 150 lbs. 5' 2. and this is the most I wieghed not pregnant. Before my I was pregnant with my last son I weighed 110. I would loove to be that size again. But I would happily settle for 120.
LittleCimaron18 it's really cool that your close by. For ever on here there never was anyone that was even in the same state. And then one or two people joined from over near Denver.Anyway how close are you to Montrose?
I also had another thought for all of you about the motivation part of loosing wieght. What happens if we buddy up, with each other. We could use each other for support, and as a human diary journal. A lot of dieters keep a journal of the things they eat. Problem with that method is you can cheat on your self by ignoring the snacks we inhaled. If we have someone who can hold us accountable for the midnight tub of ice cream, then we are less likly to eat it.

We can also try to match up people based on their age groups, so that they have a partner that likely shares the same exercise ideas, activities, and even hobbies. And then we dont have the generational gap. Like putting a 18 yr. with a 58 yr. old. I am sure the 18 year old hasnt heard of bands, or TV shows the 58 yr. old does. And there is a good chance the 58 yr. old probably doesnt enjoy a lot of the music and activities that 18 yr old does. The if we are lucky and you all dont mind letting people know how much you really wiegh we can try to match people with someone that is close to the same wieght and desire loosing about the same amount as well. Thyat way they will have a partner that will always be loosing with them. Try not to put someone who wants to loose 20 lbs. with someone who wants to loose 100 lbs. Because the person 1. will finish, and leave the person 2. to fin for them selves.
And hey we could really go all out and do a prize like the biggest looser offers. Only less expensive. Say the couple who looses the most wieght together gets, fertil eggs for incubating. Or we could appoint someone, to collect a few bucks from every one and turn it into gift certificats to a hatchery. Or any other ideas you all might have idea with. I think I am game even with out the prize. If anyone else is interested let me know.
I forgot to mention above that if you are interested please post your name, and email adress, along with your current wieght and desired wieght. Or if you areself concious PM . me and let me know.

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