Who's got December molters?



5 Years
Jul 25, 2018
Southern California
Hey everybody!
Who's got hens that chose the middle of winter to start molting? I have two, this is a photo of my Buff Orpington "Cement" (how she got that name, I don't know). Some of her feathers are missing because a coyote pulled them out though.

Share yours, and don't forget to post a picture!
Hey everybody!
Who's got hens that chose the middle of winter to start molting? I have two, this is a photo of my Buff Orpington "Cement" (how she got that name, I don't know). Some of her feathers are missing because a coyote pulled them out though.
View attachment 1985457

Share yours, and don't forget to post a picture!
I have some that are molting. Right now a little white hen, I saw her shake and feathers were flying like snow!
Helen says it is most definitely cold AND wet here and she does not appreciate it. She's the worst molt I've ever seen on my own chickens, but she's getting by. This was last week; she's turned a corner now and is looking like a stuffed animal now.


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