Who's Hatching Ducks? Hatch With Us!! *Page 3*

I use them for my young ducks, so fill it with straw and try it. Don't see why it would not work. Sounds good to me.

Thank you
i will add that to their new pen.
a couple more hours and i get to candle mine!!! day seven! i want to do it when its dark so they will be easier to see. i was advised to cool them for 5 minutes and mist them with warm water. has anyone else done this?
Use either a stuffed animal or a turkey feather duster taped to the side of the brooder. You can also put a little mirror in there.

JJ was an only duck for a whole week. The mirror and the feather duster kept her occupied until we could buy another duckling to keep her company.

Love the mirror/feather duster idea. Right now, we just have him in there with the stuffed animal and a towel, but I think I can find a mirror for him. He just got in there and seems cold, even though I have a 75W bulb on him.

Thank goodness there is already another beak peaking out and lots of peeping, rocking and rolling going on. It is POSSIBLE that this guy, or one of the others is a khaki/runner mix, since I have two female khaki campbells and two female mallards in with my runners.

I'll post a photo in a little bit. Just want him to get settled in. I don't know why I am calling him a him, but I guess I naturally call everything "him" originally.

Thanks for both replies! Ducklings are so precious that I would just like to squeeze them!
Go, little hatchers! Yay for duckies!

Now, I must gently scold my little goose eggs for not yet pipping. I know the shell is think...but five days of rocking and knocking and nothing? Now, now, you don't want to disappoint the lady who wants to raise you to eat your children!

Alright, I give up. I am going to go watch paint dry in the rain. Again. And maybe when it's dry I'll have a pip!

Okay, I went back and did my math from last year, and I was only a little crazy...

Mine started laying at 17-18 weeks. Breed differences perhaps? Dutch Hookbills are a lightweight duck, maybe they mature more quickly?

Back to the regularly scheduled topic of this thread..
I found one dead egg at my last candling, took it out and wow, the incubator smells SO much better! Day 25 tomorrow, then up goes my humidity and
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Here is the first ducky of my current hatch, at 24 hours old:



More are rocking, peeping, pipping and beaks poking through. Probably sleeping for the night now.

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