Who's Hatching Ducks? Hatch With Us!! *Page 3*

I am searching for Call Ducks. I am over here near Grand Junction CO. Where are you located? Maybe I could take some Calls off your hands. Let me know
Hi luvducks! I am in Grand Junction as well. What kind of birds do you have?

Also, to the duckcrew: I noticed the smell on my chicken eggs got more "eggy" as they matured. I never had one go rotten. So I would tend to think maybe this is not a bad egg smell, but the natural smell as the eggs grow? Anyway, I was nervous about it as well, but had a great hatch and no bad eggs.
I put 6 call duck eggs in the bator on the 14th and then 2 mix duck eggs in on the 17th

I checked tonight and I am down to 5 call eggs, one had a crack
. They were free from an outside pen, the hens were laying them everywhere so we'll see what happens!

And a whole lotta chicken eggs were set all in between, I am due to hatch on May 4th through the 14th!
i put my australian spotted eggs in the bator yesterday, so we are due on the 15th.
this is my first try at hatching, so fingers crossed here. i am already a bundle of nerves, this is going to be a long long month....
Well, this is the longest hatching! Woke up to TWO more runner babies and one who just couldn't make it out of the egg. One baby is bright yellow and the other is a wheat color...I guess that is fawn? Quite a wide assortment of colors from these eggs!! Still have another 8 or so to hatch, if they make it. Today is the 28th day, after all.

Today, I am loading the Genesis with more duck eggs as the Humidaire is filled with goose eggs now. The Brower Top Hatch is filled with Buff Orphington Chicken eggs that may or may not be fertilized, along with some more runner duck eggs.

I think my nextgroup of eggs goes into the hatcher at the end of this coming week and it's probably all runner ducks again.

Yesterday, the ducklings that had just hatched that morning were running all over the brooder, drinking, eating and partying....then they all clumped together in a huge pile and slept. They were like a college frat full of boys...intense partying and then sleeping in a pile...back up and partying hardy and then OUT! They are just hilarious to watch!!
oh no. i had a horrid temperature spike this morning.
i checked the bator around 1 last night before i went to bed and the temp was actually a little low, but i didn't turn it up because i had opened the bator and the temp was slowly (very slowly) climbing back up. i woke up at 8:30 and went down to check on them. somehow, i just knew the temp was too high and i was praying it wasn't. i look in and the temp is almost to 110*!!
i ripped the top off and let the temperature fall. i don't think it was high for too long because some of the eggs weren't too hot. oh god i hope they will still hatch. i have no idea how long it was almost to 110, i hope not long.
Oh that sucks!

I've moved my eggs form bator to bator, rolled them around, kept the temperature low, lifted the lid more times than I can remember (even during hatch!) and still, they survivie. They are more hardy than you think so don't lose hope.
This is when to hope that your thermometer isn't calibrated properly or that it's reading the top part of the bator, while the bottom is cooler, or something like that! Don't lose hope! Like you said, it might not have been operating at that temperature long enough to do harm!

Good hatching vibes your way!

Good to know. I was hoping so since I had to open the bator this morning to add more cloths to get the humidity up, one of my pips from yesterday is dead I think. I can see the little beak a little bit open, no movement and no progress. Couldn't get the humidity over 58% until I added another damp baby washcloth. Today is day 27.
Ok, this is due day on the goose eggs - and no action, no rocking, nothing that I can tell.

The air sacks on some look odd - not roundish like they ought to be.

These may be bad eggs, I suppose - I already tossed out two stinkers the other day, these ones don't smell.

I guess I'll leave em for another day or two, and see what happens.


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