Why all the ladders?


7 Years
Oct 18, 2012
Can some of ya'll tell me why you have a ladder either going to your roost or even the ladder style ramps going to the coop? I can think of a couple but feel like I'm missing the biggest reason...I'm reckon i'm a little slow
I don't have a raised coop but I did install a ramp inside the coop up to the roost just because I have some older hens who seemed to be having a harder time getting up and down. They took to it right away and use it all the time.
I should probably add, what is the main advantage to raising the coop in the first place?

I have raised my coop for two main reasons:
1. Coops not on the ground seem to have far less problems with rodents.
2. The chickens can go underneath the coop during the day, as an additional shelter, while still being in the fresh air.
I'd never heard of bumblefoot but I kind of assumed the other reasons. I plan to keep their food and water mostly in the run so I believe I'll do without a ladder into the coop and just keep them on the ground and maybe have one for the roost.

Thanks for the info, I'm still open to other reasons that I may be missing
I would like to see a picture of your ladder to the roost. I have young hens 95 months) and a rooster who decided to roost in the rafter of the coop (would never have guessed). One of my favorite hens now has a limp, I think because it is about an 8-9'high descent from the rafter. I would have to put in a ladder that has a turn in it since the coop is not long enough (I think). What is the proper slope, width and material that I should use? I am new too this, and very sad. Stanley (my husband named her) has been limping for 2 days now, and is worse today. Do I need to isolate her?

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