Why Am I Getting More Eggs?


In the Brooder
Jun 17, 2015
Northern Michigan
So, this is year three of having hens for "the summer." We borrow them from a friend from April to November and then return them to the farm in the fall, but we've never had much luck getting eggs.

Year one we had three hens and got few eggs. A couple dozen in all between June to October.

Year two we had four hens (two of the original girls.) Laying was light all summer until September when we started getting one egg a day - occasionally two.

Year three - now - we have five hens (two of our original girls, one from last year, and two new-to-us.) But now, we've had the girls for 11 days now and we've gotten at least two eggs EVERY day - two days we got three eggs and one day we got four.

So here is my question: The all came from the same farm. Here they are all in the same coop with the same lighting, eating the same food with the same bedding, next boxes, roost bars etc. So what could account for this difference?

I'd appreciate anyone's thought on the subject!
The simple answer is all hens are different as far as laying and for how they handle the stress of being moved.

Many factors affect laying. Things like breed and age of hens, as well as what they are being fed and how much stress is occurring in their daily lives to name a few major things.

My guess is the two new hens are a good egg laying breed and are in the prime of their season.
Of the five we have, four are Isa Browns - all three years old. One is an Americauna; she's older (though I'm not sure how much). Since she lays green eggs, I know we've only gotten one from her in the 11 days.
Of the five we have, four are Isa Browns - all three years old. One is an Americauna; she's older (though I'm not sure how much). Since she lays green eggs, I know we've only gotten one from her in the 11 days.
I would chalk it up to getting a few better layers as well as the older ones are familiar with the routine by now. Egg production goes up and down throughout the season, right now most hens are laying at peak production and most will slow down as temperatures rise.
my ameraucanas occasionally lay "normal" colored eggs
Um...no, that's not true. If a bird is laying blue/green eggs it is not going to occasionally lay a brown one.

I would chalk it up to getting a few better layers as well as the older ones are familiar with the routine by now. Egg production goes up and down throughout the season, right now most hens are laying at peak production and most will slow down as temperatures rise.
Ditto Dat^^^^

Tho it is kinda of strange that a 3yo Isa would be laying more than last year.
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