Why and how do chickens purr?


8 Years
Apr 29, 2011
My Rhode Island White went broody recently, but fortunately got bored and cold (it's a chilly winter in Australia this year, believe it or not!). So she's stopped huffing and puffing, and singing to her imaginary chicks to come and eat. NOW she purrs. Yes, purrs, very much like a cat, whenever she is hanging out with the others. Does this mean she is happy, like when a cat purrs?

Does anyone else have chickens that make surprising noises?
Yes, mine "purr." I've only heard it though when they're kind of snuggled down, either on the roost, or just taking a rest out in the grass. Like a cat, I've always associated it with times of contentment
It's such as sweet sound. I've only heard the females make the sound, not my cockerels or roos.
Oh, I am so happy to have seen this thread! Yesterday I was holding my BO hen on my lap. I was stroking her and talking to her. Plus, she was being hand fed some blueberries... She might be a little spoiled.
Anyway, she made the exact same sound as the chickens in fishnet1971's video! I had no idea what it was about. But it's nice to know she was content.
That is EXACTLY the sound I am talking about. I think they can 'teach' it to each other too. I have a big Isa brown, and a little bantam cochin (best friends would you believe) and the cochin did not purr until she met the Isa. They sit on the back stoop when it's raining and purrrrrrrr with contentment. It's the best sound.
Blueberries huh? It's so nice to have found this forum. I spoil my hens like crazy too! They make me so happy.
I've always thought I felt & heard my chicks purr! I discounted it as nervousness or some weird bird thing. How neat! I'm so glad I saw this!

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