Why are my ducks not laying?


12 Years
Oct 30, 2007
I have several Pekins and Crested Pekins. In June they began moulting, and stopped laying. Well, they have been done moulting for a few weeks now, and still arent laying. I thought maybe it was because of the heat here in Florida, but I read in another post that someone in Florida has more eggs from their ducks than they know what to do with. Is this normal for Pekins to stop laying during the summer?
My Pekin lays an egg a day without fail through out the summer. For quite some time we could not find her eggs. We searched and looked and couldn't come up with them. I read a thread here at BYC about fishing for eggs. That got me thinking, and I went out to drain the pond. Sure enough we had 16 eggs at the bottom of the pond. Our Pekin and runner watched me throw the eggs away and has now chosen less yucky spots to lay. I would check the pond.

Good luck.
I checked the pond, but no eggs. I went on an egg hunt and still found nothing. I am going to lock them up in their coop to see if any laying is going on. I owe some eggs to someone and it is really stressing me out that my birds arent laying or if they are, I cant find the darn eggs!
I don't have any Pekins or any ducks for that matter, but I do have chickens. I'm from Florida, near Ocala. Where in Florida do you live?

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