Why are my silkies so dumb?

My silky chick, about two weeks old, does not seem to understand how to use the water nipple. The other two, RIR, seem to have it down. They seem much more intelligent, adaptive, active and responsive than my little silkie. She also does not seem to have advances feather growth, still looking like a baby chick as my two rir are halfway into grown up feathers. She also has two crooked toes, facing inwards that are almost 90 degree angles. I am feeding them chick starter, probiotics and electrolytes. They have a heat source and I clean their enclosure daily. Is my chicken broken? I have isolated her within views of the others to make her learn to drink from nipple. What do you guys think?
They're all different, give her a different water source ,she needs water to live and if she's not comfortable with the nipple feeders, (which I think were created for our ease not the birds enjoyment)give her a dish of water.

Silkies are more work , I call them princess because they sure are needy
Yea I love mine to peices but they aren't very smart!!! Haha!! I just figured they would be smart enough to go in when it starts to rain!! Do I need to dry them off or anything? Or will they be fine?
I love my silkies also but I have to admit they r kinda dumb. They have easy access to get out of rain but half the time they just sit there and get wet. I used to go out in the rain to make them get under roof. Sometimes they would stay and sometimes they would go right back out.
Eventually I just let them do what they want🙄

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