Why are they doing this?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Aug 3, 2009
Shelton, WA
My pullets were hatchet in April. I have had them for 2 weeks now.

A couple of days ago, one of them started sitting on the floor in the pine shaving bedding during the day. Now 2 more have joined her and 2 of those have started scratching a depression outside and sitting there buts in there.

It is not hot here, not cold, either. Are they just tired? Could they be "practicing" sitting on a nest? I took one of them today off the floor and sat her in the nest, but she just walked out.


I think they want to take a dust bath. They might just also just want to relax.

I'm a bit confused as to how old they are... maybe a typo?

**edit: Sorry on my part, just reread the original post... wasn't making sense earlier... I was half asleep!
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If they are kind of wallowing about and sort of look like they are having a seizure and then they act all insulted when you panic and go pick them up... then they are dust bathing.
That's a great description of dust bath behavior!

When mine do this I'll help by getting a trowel and scratching a bit of the soil to loosen it- some of ours is like concrete. I'll also add a bunch of DE so it's an anti-parasite bath even more!
CityGirl- no, they were just sitting inside, and outside, they scratched until they made a "bowl" and then sat down in it. One started raking the dirt in front of her with her beak, like she was packing it around her.
Yes, sounds like dustbathing. However my little girls (hatched in March) started laying a few weeks ago, and they're still working out the kinks - namely WHERE to lay their eggs. They've 'nested' out a few areas in the bedding on the floor and laid a few eggs there. At least they're inside the coop, so I don't have to go on an Easter egg hunt.
Mine have been doing that now that the weather is hot. They dig out a wallow and then snuggle in. I think the dirt bowl must be cooler somehow. Of course, they give in and dust bath while they are at it. Silly chickens.
I love watching them dustbathe and make their trills of joy.

My guess is that because they were in shavings they were a bit confused. I've seen my birds try to dustbathe in shavings. They're a lot more lightweight then dirt,
so they flew everywhere!

Hey and maybe they are looking for the "right" place. I've witnessed them just chillin in a dimple in their straw. I ask them if they're thinking about laying me an egg.

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