Why breeding two frizzles together is BAD! (nekkid chicken pics! EEEK)

I used to show/breed Rex rabbits. As I recall, they aren't hairless as homozygotes.
Many hatcheries drop-ship, or buy from outside sources, thats one reason why they never really know what quality they are selling. This did not surprise me at all Ideal sells a lot of curlys in the bins at Atwoods in Arkansas.
Hmmm, I may have assumed that in Rabbits, I know that it is some form of over concentration of the rex gene in rats and cats that causes the hair to be really brittle and simply break off, giving them a hairless effect, plus they have less hair folicles in general. This all sounded so similiar to what I was reading about the chickens. But come to think of it, I have never seen a hairless rabbit, so it probably doesnt work that way with them! Thank goodness!

Thanks for the correction!
Hmmm...if you cross one of those double frizzles with a cornish cross, would you get a naked meatie???

How cool would that be!
A nekkid meatie! OMG I WOULD SO start raising meaties!!!

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Hmmm...if you cross one of those double frizzles with a cornish cross, would you get a naked meatie???

Exactly what I was thinking! Someone who had the time could introduce frizzling into a meat breed. Breed 2 frizzle meat birds together and pow pluckless chickens. Maybe the Cobb would be a good choice since they breed true and grow super fast. Several generations would be fairly quick. Perhaps I have a new project!
The bright side is, if you can keep these naked birdies warm until they're big enough to breed, whatever smooth feathered bird you cross to will yield 100% frizzled babies.

If I understand how the gene works... Maybe cross them to an Ameraucana and get frizzled EE's...

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