Why Can't You Put Quail and Chickens Together

I have 10 quails and 2 Hens, Somehow the two hens got in the same coop the next morning I found 1 quail dead and 2 injured. I looked at their backs and found them featherless and bloody. Sadly I had to kill the injured ones.
so should the quail just be kill or are they ok to eat? chickens are ok to eat so can you eat the quail if they do not look sick?
When I have a sick quail, it does not get eaten.. I don't want to be the story, "this man and his family suddenly came down with a mysterious illness and died"... too many food recalls without a reasonable explaination on what contaminated the food. Do you really think that sick chickens are OK to eat???? There was a chicken nugget recall recently... which would you believe??? It was "plastic contamination", or an infected chicken made it past the inspectors? I don't trust half the info the media puts out.

As an avid hunter, anything that I kill, I consume, so it pains me to know that I am putting down an animal that will not get eaten. I'd rather be safe than sorry.
I just mean chicken have this stuff that makes quail sick and most people never heard of this stuff and still kill there chicken and eat them. so how do you know if your chicken got it or not ? or do you just treat them? thanks vic
i got a question, i raise show quality chickens i have about 25 chickens i have 2 coop on one end of my coop if i build a quail pen on the a few hundred yarrds awayb will my quail be good and what even get quail sick just the chicken or something wrong and if i walk back and forth pens can i get them sick
O.K. I can believe a few quail sticking around or returning from time to time to the place they were hatched.. But just so you know, In MY opinion, this is a ticking time bomb for your quail along with the wild population that come into contact with them.. If you click on the link Robo provided, This is caused by a disease that chickens can carry without any signs at all.. This disease is readily passed to quail or other types of poultry they come into contact with. This disease can destroy complete populations of quail in a matter of DAYS!!

Hi. I'm on boarder of Utah and Co. I have 3 month of chickens and a local wild quail couple that live outside of the yard. I'm Do Not want to kill a population of local quail. How do u suggest we handle this situation? Thanks for reply. S
i got a question, i raise show quality chickens i have about 25 chickens i have 2 coop on one end of my coop if i build a quail pen on the a few hundred yarrds awayb will my quail be good and what even get quail sick just the chicken or something wrong and if i walk back and forth pens can i get them sick
This is an old question but I'll answer it anyway. 10-20 feet would be sufficient. All you are shooting for is no direct contact between the two and for the quail to have zero access to chicken feces. Wash your hands between touching them and keep them a few feet apart and you'll be fine.
Most chickens are carriers of a disease called coryza. They don't show symptoms though making it impossible to tell without trial and error. Quail catch it and it spreads like wildfire.

This is why I like this forum.
Bacterial disease, so I wonder how far apart I need to put quail.
I -was- thinking of putting two quail cages in my chicken pen about four feet off the ground, but now
think that will lead to disaster.
Let's say I have an aviary with separate runs, what distance is safe?
What if I have quail in pens and some free range chickens?

Would love to hear people's experience with controlling coryza!
Is it infectious to other birds like parrots?
This is why I like this forum.
Bacterial disease, so I wonder how far apart I need to put quail.
I -was- thinking of putting two quail cages in my chicken pen about four feet off the ground, but now
think that will lead to disaster.
Let's say I have an aviary with separate runs, what distance is safe?
What if I have quail in pens and some free range chickens?

Would love to hear people's experience with controlling coryza!
Is it infectious to other birds like parrots?

and then I get not a single answer to my questions....
Other posters have indicated they also want to know the answers to what I asked for their own edification.

Perhaps if I said there was no problem with putting chickens and quail together someone would respond?
This is why I like this forum.
Bacterial disease, so I wonder how far apart I need to put quail.
I -was- thinking of putting two quail cages in my chicken pen about four feet off the ground, but now
think that will lead to disaster.
Let's say I have an aviary with separate runs, what distance is safe?
What if I have quail in pens and some free range chickens?

Would love to hear people's experience with controlling coryza!
Is it infectious to other birds like parrots?
"Epidemiology and Transmission

Chronically ill or healthy carrier birds are the reservoir of infection. Chickens of all ages are susceptible, but susceptibility increases with age. The incubation period is 1–3 days, and the disease duration is usually 2–3 wk. Under field conditions, the duration may be longer in the presence of concurrent diseases, eg, mycoplasmosis.

Infected flocks are a constant threat to uninfected flocks. Transmission is by direct contact, airborne droplets, and contamination of drinking water. “All-in/all-out” management has essentially eradicated infectious coryza from many commercial poultry establishments in the USA. Commercial farms that have multiple-age flocks tend to perpetuate the disease. Egg transmission does not occur. Molecular techniques such as restriction endonuclease analysis and ribotyping have been used to trace outbreaks of infectious coryza."

Taken from here

The best way to control it is to dispatch and properly dispose of any bird you are aware is infected, I suppose. I keep a completely closed loop system (I don't bring in live birds, only eggs) so I've never encountered it personally, and I'd say that's another good way to control it. Keeping birds on wire will cut down on transmission of any disease, since they are less able to consume feces which is how many diseases are transmitted.

and then I get not a single answer to my questions....
Other posters have indicated they also want to know the answers to what I asked for their own edification.

Perhaps if I said there was no problem with putting chickens and quail together someone would respond?
Nah, because I've personally answered that question so many times I know it pops up on google when people search for it. People that ask it here just need confirmation or didn't bother to search in the first place.

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