Why Can't You Put Quail and Chickens Together

This thread is funny...

Hey on a somewhat serious note... I didn't know Coturnix could be free-ranged? They come back to their coop like a chicken? Or did I read something wrong somewhere....
Geez, if the Easter bunny hadn't left me a magnum of Absolute and a handfull of pain killers, I would have been able to participate in this most excellent, epic quail fight last night. It's good to see that there was good representation from the "dark side" of quail section regulars. It had to be more fun than gettin' yer stomach pumped out.
fyi, The OP has asked the same question ~10 times until she gets the answer she wants... review some of the posts, she also has a habit of editing her posts after they have been quoted...

can I use seawater in my diesel car? at some point, someone will say yes...
I am thinking of getting quails and I already didnt want to put the quails with my chickens.
However now I am concerned with cross contamination of diseases. (because I tend to wipe my feet in chicken poo as it gives the rubber soles of my shoes extra protection from my foot odour).

Lets assume the worst case scenario.. you practice keeping the quail and the chickens separate but some random family members decides to touch the chickens and then touch the quail and that in turn causes my would be established quail to get coryza ... can you still eat them?
and if you catch the symptoms early enough would you have to cull all birds? or just the infected quail?

Maybe you cant put them together, maybe you can put them together and maybe you keep them separate but something goes wrong.
Is eating them and disinfecting the cages with bleach and reviewing your hygiene practise the best case scenario?
How does one manage the outbreak?

btw I am more for prevention ... which is why when I lurk on byc
You are less likely to spread it than a chicken. Feed and play with the quail first, and put hand sanitizer on each pen. If you catch it early it is still hard to cure. I ate the birds that survived coryza. I didn't want to eat them while they were showing symptoms because it just looks weird...
fyi, The OP has asked the same question ~10 times until she gets the answer she wants... review some of the posts, she also has a habit of editing her posts after they have been quoted...

can I use seawater in my diesel car? at some point, someone will say yes...

We got tired of debating a topic, then we started joking around, how is that cruel? I see how it is sarcastic, and clearly you saw no humor in our conversation so why bring it up? Why are you apologizing for what you accuse someone else of doing wrong?
Coturnix, or ANY quail can'r be free ranged.

Never say never , as proof on this thread some can be..............go back read the post, she even has pics to proof it

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