Why did my rooster kill all my hens??



Jan 28, 2017
Went to feed and water my chickens yesterday and I found 5 dead hens a couple with heads off. Check cage no Predators have gotten in. My rooster had what looked like blood around beak area. The rest of them seemed calm . Checked back a few times last night all seemed well.
Went out this morning 5 'more dead ones few with heads off again my ofther rooster is beat up bad and more blood around the beak of the other.
I have cage him up now ( husband says there's dinner)
I know we will have to get rid of him but would like to figure out what happened. Never had a problem at all before with him. He is actually probably one of the friendliest ones in the coop.
What happened
What else could it be nothing can get into the cage? The ones that still have their heads the combs are ripped up
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This is a predator. It got in somehow. Probably a mink or a weasel. Your rooster is a hero. he got hurt defending his hens.
They can get in a hole as small as a quarter. check again for small holes, loose boards, etc. can you put your remaining birds somewhere else temperarilay until you find the hole and fix it? It's going to keep coming back and killing. They kill for sport.
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totally agree - it's not your roosters, it's a weasel, mink or similar horrible predator. Post on the predator threads and see what they come up with. These vermin can get through very small openings.
Weasel, mink, raccoons ... Pictures of the coop please. Someone can reach in and do that kind of damage.
First a rooster can not rip a head off a hen much less 5. The blood on his beak is from trying to roust the dead hen,defending her or just pecking at her to check things out. The other hens probably have some as well. You'll continue to lose chickens until you fix things.
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Check for brown or black hair around your coop and run. Maybe some rubbed off as it was entering the place. They cannot get thru hardware cloth. How big is your run and coop? Is it fully enclosed? You may have to fort the birds up at night in a hardware cloth enclosed space. if you have even one wire broken between chicken wire holes, that is enough for them to gain entrance.

New egg, where are you located, ? That's a big help when giving advice! Thanks!
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I'm located in Ohio I will get a photo of the coop when I get back they have a nice size run and coop is lifted . 8 by 8 3 feet of ground tan drum is cage on top too. 5$3 charge is chain link and wrapped with chick wire top too. Them a tarp in top of that.

There is no sign at all of something getting in or under we have buried chicken wire into the ground oand out about 2 feet . Ground is not disturbed at all.
Only trama is to the head and comb.
My 3 hens that are left are hiding in coop with the beat up rooster standing guard.
Dead hens are found inside coop under and in the run.
Also No tracks in th snow around the cage
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