why did you start keeping chickens

Thanks for the support. Now that fall is here we plan to fertilize the one bed we have and maybe build a second on the side by the bedrooms... There is concrete about 6 inches under the soil so i have to be careful how I plant here. I'm thinking of raised beds like steps, planting up since i seem to have more up space than outward space. This way the water can filter down to the lower levels before going out.

Thats a great idea! Raised beds are getting a lot of attention. I am seeing it a lot more in the sunny spots when i head into town.
Thats a great idea! Raised beds are getting a lot of attention. I am seeing it a lot more in the sunny spots when i head into town.
If I have enough wood left over after I finish my chicken run and the goose enclosure with their coop I may lay the framework for the raised beds and get the soil prepped for spring planting. Or maybe not, I may just get a jump on the bunny enclosures and runs so they maybe can breed this winter, since that is when my female will be old enough. Yea that I think would be a better idea so I'll work on the raised beds in the spring. Ohhh I have plans running through my head as i'm typing this.... I need paper and pencil so I can draw out the designs I want, Thanks for listening to me rant it really helped.
If I have enough wood left over after I finish my chicken run and the goose enclosure with their coop I may lay the framework for the raised beds and get the soil prepped for spring planting. Or maybe not, I may just get a jump on the bunny enclosures and runs so they maybe can breed this winter, since that is when my female will be old enough. Yea that I think would be a better idea so I'll work on the raised beds in the spring. Ohhh I have plans running through my head as i'm typing this.... I need paper and pencil so I can draw out the designs I want, Thanks for listening to me rant it really helped.

Hehehe! Rant away, thats why we are here!
I already blew my stack today at meijer grocery so i am all good for the day. They stopped selling bulk seed like BOSS, and peas. Now i got to go looking all over again.
Hehehe! Rant away, thats why we are here!
I already blew my stack today at meijer grocery so i am all good for the day. They stopped selling bulk seed like BOSS, and peas. Now i got to go looking all over again.
I haven't gotten into buying seed and mixing my own batch of bird feed but I notice allot people do. Is it cheaper that way???
And a good Rant definitely clears the air and makes one feel better. (so long as it does not make someone else feel bad... unless they REALLY deserve it!)
I started keeping chickens because a family member got some eggs we had know idea were fertilized so we put one under my Muscovy duck because she was broody long story short she hatched it!!!! so we had to get some more chicks to keep it company
I haven't gotten into buying seed and mixing my own batch of bird feed but I notice allot people do. Is it cheaper that way???
And a good Rant definitely clears the air and makes one feel better. (so long as it does not make someone else feel bad... unless they REALLY deserve it!)
I like the sprout/fodder idea, if you let it go 6-7 days, it mutliplies the bulk up to 6 times of the seed. also greatly increases the nutritional value of that seed. so 10 pounds of seed becomes 60 pounds of feed.. i like that type of gain for a few minutes of my time
i can also ferment the grain.. and increase the value. theres all gain and no loss to the project if you have a few minutes free each day. I do provide regular layer crumble and oyster shell, but it sits... they free range for 6-7 hours and are able to gather their needs naturally as well. I do spoil them with home made yogurt and mealworms too so its a lot of variety for them to choose. Ya, they are a lil spoiled.
Thanks for the support. Now that fall is here we plan to fertilize the one bed we have and maybe build a second on the side by the bedrooms... There is concrete about 6 inches under the soil so i have to be careful how I plant here. I'm thinking of raised beds like steps, planting up since i seem to have more up space than outward space. This way the water can filter down to the lower levels before going out.

A lot of stuff will grow vertically if you have trellises. A couple of years ago I grew 3 Japanese cucumber plants in about 3 square feet of space. These things are great, the seeds don't get huge even if the cukes get ahead of you and are 8" or 10" long and 3" across. The trellis is up against the enclosed porch on a 45 degree wall with a window. A few years before that I grew Matt's Wild Cherry tomatoes in the same spot. This plant will go to 10 feet. Great tasty little tomatoes. In both cases, we sometimes had to open the porch window so we could get the goods.

I also have raised beds, not for space reasons but because you don't need to bend down as far to weed and pick. Haven't done any tiered raised beds. Remember that YOU have to bend over the near stuff to get to the far stuff so don't make them too wide.

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I started keeping chickens as pets when I was a child.. For some reason I am so attracted to owning chickens.

I think they are wonderful pets and I can just watch them scavenge around all day.

I also love that I have fresh eggs for my entire family since I'm gathering 6-8 eggs per day.

Best of luck!
A lot of stuff will grow vertically if you have trellises. A couple of years ago I grew 3 Japanese cucumber plants in about 3 square feet of space. These things are great, the seeds don't get huge even if the cukes get ahead of you and are 8" or 10" long and 3" across. The trellis is up against the enclosed porch on a 45 degree wall with a window. A few years before that I grew Matt's Wild Cherry tomatoes in the same spot. This plant will go to 10 feet. Great tasty little tomatoes. In both cases, we sometimes had to open the porch window so we could get the goods.

I also have raised beds, not for space reasons but because you don't need to bend down as far to weed and pick. Haven't done any tiered raised beds. Remember that YOU have to bend over the near stuff to get to the far stuff so don't make them too wide.

Thanks for the suggestions and I'll keep the tiered raised beds short. I wouldn't want to climb to either collect the harvest or pull weeds.

Here is a pic of my chicks playing in their new run...This is the back of the coop.

Now that the older chicks can go outside the young ones have the run of the coop during the day... I took the cage apart the goslings were using and raised it off the floor with 3 -- 2 x 4's tied to either end. The baby chicks can run in and out of the "Mock" cage depending on how threatened they feel.

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