Why didn't I think of this before!!! - Feeding grass clippings!


10 Years
Mar 23, 2009
Sherman-Denison, TX
I have always mulched-cut my grass as I'm an organic gardener. Unfortunately, I cannot allow my chickens to truly free-range (they're in a large run) due to neighborhood dogs. However, I just got a new lawn mower that came with a grass catcher and thought, geez, I bet my chickens would love the catched grass. So, I made a couple of passes over beautiful St. Augustine grass and poured it out into their run. You would have thought it was Chicken Christmas! They went crazy for it. Can't believe I didn't think of this sooner - just didn't have a grass catcher til now. Now I won't look at the 2 acres to mow as grudgingly as I did before!
I know, they love it! Isn't it funny to watch them?!! I let one of my little white Cochins out yesterday to play in the grass. She wasn't quite sure what to make of it. I think I'll cut some grass today!
I have read alot about clippings like that causing impacted crop because the birds normally just bite the tips off in little pieces. I hope someone who knows more about it might add something about it. I just know i have read people posting about it before.
I throw in grass clippings and all the weeds that come out of my garden and flower beds. I also keep a big pile of sand in the run for grit. So far, all is good. After a few days, i go in there and haul out what they don't eat and put it on the compost pile.
I have given mine clippings a time or two, but stopped when there was a thread on here last year about it causing impacted crops. Search it and see wat you get, I know it was a pretty good thread about it.
I saw a few threads about that, but then I thought: they eat the grass when they free range, so what's the big diff? I've tried throwing in chunks of grass and didn't notice that they bit it off in small pieces, so I just don't know. Plus a truly good mulching mower cuts the grass into pretty small pieces and I do provide lots of grit. If I find it's a problem, I'll let you guys know. I'd hate to deny them the fresh grass they clearly love.
You just have to be sure the grass clippings are short. If they're too long, it could cause impacted crops. As long as your clippings are short, and they have access to some form of grit, (or sand) you should have no problem.

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