Why do a lot of my chicks die?

peep peep

In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 7, 2012
Earlier this year, I started raising backyard chickens. I started with 6 black silkies, however, 3 of them died. Then, because of their deaths, I got 5 more chicks (a buff cochin, a white frizzle cochin, and 3 silkies), 1 of them died. After those grew up over the summer, I've loved keeping chickens and wanted some more! I got two buff sizzles. Now, one of them is really lethargic and I believe that it's not going to make it. The only thing different that I did this time around (with the sizzles, who were 3 weeks old when I got them) was keep them outside in the coop in a (ventilated) box so that the other chickens would get used to seeing them. It's been very humid here in Georgia and I think that could be the problem. The other chick (who I think is a rooster and is named Sam) is thriving and growing every day. Is this amount of mortality normal, or am I doing something wrong? Do any of you have this many chicks die?
Well, you aren't giving enough detail to really know. I'll just ask you this: do you have some good "how to raise chickens" books around? If not, read them carefully cover to cover and you probably will have your question answered. I'm really sorry about your chick losses. I've experienced losses in the past with my rabbits similar to this and it felt terrible.

Good luck to you!

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