why do all the hens want to lay in the same nest?


8 Years
Apr 22, 2011
ok petunia was the first to lay then rosey now daisey is acting like she wants to lay. there are 3 nests in the coop but they all want to use the one. rosey is in the nest now as some of you know rosey has had some major problems with eggs and is doing wonderful. a while ago daisey jumped up on the nest box and was trying to walk across roseys back. could she stress her or does rosey even care? daisey and petunia are waiting outside the coop on rosey to finish. i know petunia is wantint to lay but i dont know about daisey. i blocked it so they wouldnt disturbe rosey. is that necessary? what should i do?
it's totally normal. I think they have a mindset of......" well, she's laying an egg there, so it must be a good spot to lay eggs".......... and......"If I lay my eggs with hers, SHE will set on MY eggs too, and i won't have to do all that BROODY work".....

never mind the fact you may not even have a roo. That's just how their mind works.
Pretty common behavior. I have 10 nesting boxes and this time of year when they've slowed down laying (molting and shorter daylight hours) they are still wanting to "share" 1 or 2 boxes, while the other 8-9 boxes are available. I lately have founf that the eggs laid any particluar day all seem to be in those 1-2 nest boxes.
I agree with Farm Maven......" well, she's laying an egg there, so it must be a good spot to lay eggs".
same here...I have seen 2 in a box with 2 more waiting to get in...yes, let them pile in if they want...if you separate them, they will still come back and wait their turn!
Chickens are strange creatures. I have four nest and all have been used. I've seen 3 in 3 different boxes at the same time. I have a BO that finally started laying, albeit a dwarg egg, but this morning the GLW was in a nest when the BO went in. She wanted the nest on the other end, which was vacant but just stood there looking at the nest. Out she came after doing nothing. I saw the GLW come out when she was done and in went the BO. She just does not company in the coop when she's in there. Nobody else cares but she has to have her privacy. Yes, strange creatures for sure.
Someone once actually said "don't they know they shouldn't put all the eggs in one basket?"

It is ill advised and unnatural to project human behavior on chickens.

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