why do dogs roll in poo!


11 Years
Apr 30, 2008
east freetown, ma
I brought my 7lb poodle mix out to take care of the chickens (trying to teach her to herd them) and she rolled in fresh duck poo! after 2 baths and I gave her a candy cane for her breath, I don't know what else I can do.
What's the worst thing your dog has rolled in? And how did you get the smell out?
Dogs have different standards than we do. My dog rolled in a dead raccoon he found one time, and was so obviously so pleased with himself! He must have smelled wonderful to himself.

I have read they roll in things to disguise their own scent and whatnot, but don't really put much stock in it. I think they are just enjoying themselves in a very doggy way that we humans fail to appreciate.

There was recently a recipe on here for a dog wash that would take skunk odor out. Maybe search for skunk and you'll find it. It had hydrogen peroxide and baking soda in it.

Good luck!
They do it to mask their scent from predators. It is an instinct people have a hard time relating to. Also, did you say you gave her a candy cane? That is terrible for dogs. You might want to invest in raw meaty bones.
Maybe she liked it so much she wanted to savor the aroma even after the meal was over.
I don't know all the reasons they may do that but mine have rolled in some very gross-to-humans things.
thank you for the link Brindle, I'll try that the puppy shampoo just didn't work at all.
I was trying to get her breath a little minty instead of duck pooey,cause she had to eat some as well. It was just a piece the size of my pinky nail.lol
They mask their scent from their prey by rolling in foul things... to blend in better with their environment. I've read it over and over. I have no reason to argue with it.
It is what it is.

I had a Jug (Jack Russel/Pug) that would roll in stink spots in the backyard AS SOON as I let her out after having had a bath!
It wasn't poo she rolled in, but a smelly plant, root, spot...I couldn't identify it, but it smelled like death!
(Not unlike Brindles dog rolling in dead racoon!) My thought is, if I was "prey", would I not be aware of the smell of DEATH nearby, therefore RUN for the hills?

I guess until we can speak dog, we may never understand! Like, why did my Jug eat my other dog's poo? I can't fathom that it tastes good. Now I've gone and gagged myself.

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