Why do my Chickens hate me?

Did you get your chickens when they were chicks? I did and all mine are RIR. They are only 4 mos old and they are very friendly at this point. You may have to win their trust. Your RIR looks like my rooster BTW!
My flock currently consists of a ameraucana roo, barred roo , rirs, dominicks, Easter eggers and a buff orphington they all love being held and cuddled except the buff. And my amera comes and goes he free ranges to the neighbors lol I spent ALOT of time with them from chicks to now. My amera roo I got mature and it took 4 months of grabing him at night from roost to like me but now I all I have to to is yell erkadoo and he comes home.
Hi all!thanks so much for all your information. My chicken started laying eggs about a week after I found out she was still a she :). Thank you very much!

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