Why do you love your guineas? The positive side of being owned by a guinea

I didn't want to love them, I tried to fight it for a long time, but then I fell hard!

I got them for ticks and insect control and that was the only reason at the time. Now I love them most for the entertainment they provide and for all the "trouble" they get into.

My husband and I spend more time trying to problem solve guinea dilemmas than we do anything else. I love their eggs, I love their personalities and I think they are just hands down beautiful birds!
Very well put. I love them too.
My guinea are now 7 months old and I love each one for different reasons.I had to change names after they matured but the are my calming force.I have a bad day at work ,spend an hour with the guineas and that all disappears.I do not know nothing calms me more than watching them eat and talk to each other.They have brought me much joy.I still do not know why they do somethings and can be annoying at times but from now on I will not be without them.
I'm glad your enjoying your guineas Jami I to enjoy watching their funny moves and talks. They are calming and I hope I have my guineas for a long time I can't imagine being without them. Thank you for your response.
My guinea are now 7 months old and I love each one for different reasons.I had to change names after they matured but the are my calming force.I have a bad day at work ,spend an hour with the guineas and that all disappears.I do not know nothing calms me more than watching them eat and talk to each other.They have brought me much joy.I still do not know why they do somethings and can be annoying at times but from now on I will not be without them.

There certainly is an Entertainment Factor in being owned by guineas. Some people keep fish aquariums for stress reduction, we keep guineas! And you can't separate the annoying times from the calming force as you put it. It's all part of the same experience. Enjoy!
I thought it was a good time to post again here on this thread since this is the reason why we keep going with our guineas! I love my guineas so much that I actually purchased 5 Rhode Island Red pullets to keep a lone male company. I knew there wouldn't be the same social interaction, but it was more for stimulation to keep that Zoo Institutionalization Syndrome from setting in. Oh yes, I am owned by guineas and now chickens too!
Keets!! They are the cutest chicks ever! I love to see how all the hens nest together and hatch a huge clutch! The keets are sooo tiny! Sadly they are also very fragile, but still out flock grows every year. They travel all around and eat everything! I hardly need to feed them. I dream of having a huge flock for pest control! :D

Irisshiller your guinea hens are beautiful and the little keets are so precious. We were hoping Mary Jane would hatch a couple of babies. She sit for 31 days and I finally had to throw the eggs away. She never gave up. She sang to them while sitting and had a lovely voice. She even let me reach under her and take eggs out to candle them. I kept waiting for Spiderman the male guinea to turn into a vicious wild beast since Mary Jane was broody and attack us all. Well he turned into a sad guinea missing Mary Jane while she sit on the eggs. He even made friends with the ducks and joined their little group to have someone to pal around with. He would come in and set in his chair and make crying noises. The day I threw Mary Janes eggs away he was so happy. They walked around the yard like two newly weds. He brought her in the house so I could give her some treats. They love boiled eggs.

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